
> > i.e. something like this:
> > 
> > https://www.kraxel.org/cgit/qemu-firmware/
> > 
> > (only seabios is there for now)
> So presumably we'd want a 'make install' target there too, to place
> the
> various ROMS in the location QEMU expects ?


Or place them in $prefix/share/qemu-firmware, and add that directory to
the qemu default search path.

> So non-distro users would need to download & install the ROMs,
> and then download, build & install QEMU ?


> How would you view ROM install working for devs working against GIT ?
> eg when we update a ROM in the firmware directory, how do devs know
> to
> update their firmware.  Would the qemu-firmware.git be a submodule of
> qemu.git, so that a 'make install' would deploy roms for devs ?

Not sure yet how to handle that best.  I'd tend to not make it a
submodule.  Typically there are no lockstep updates for qemu and
firmware, in most cases new firmware is only required if you want use a
new feature which needs firmware support.  So I think we don't need a
tight coupling between qemu and firmware.  Just updating the firmware
checkout now and then (or even simply using the distro builds) should
work in the vast majority of cases.


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