Hi Fam, Kamil,
On 08/28/2017 02:47 PM, Fam Zheng wrote:
+ subprocess.check_call([tar_cmd,
+ "--exclude-vcs",
+ "--exclude=tests/vm/*.img",
+ "--exclude=tests/vm/*.img.*",
+ "--exclude=*.d",
+ "--exclude=*.o",
+ "--exclude=docker-src.*",
+ "-cf", tarfile, '.'], cwd=data_dir,
I'm not happy with this command :/
My distrib uses tmpfs for /tmp and suddently the whole X window became
irresponsive until this script failing after filling 8G of /tmp and swap:
DEBUG:root:Creating archive /tmp/qemu-vm-F7CY9O/data-3a52c.tar for data
dir: .
tar: /tmp/qemu-vm-F7CY9O/data-3a52c.tar: Wrote only 4096 of 10240 bytes
tar: Error is not recoverable: exiting now
Failed to prepare guest environment
Then I figured out my workdir is full of testing stuff, debug images,
firmwares, coredumps, etc.
I'll think of another way.
(git ls-files; git submodule foreach --recursive "git ls-files | sed
s_^_\$sm_path/_" | sed /^Entering/d) > files.txt
"-cf", tarfile,
"-v" if self.debug else "",
"-T", "files.txt"], cwd=data_dir,
stdin=self._devnull, stdout=self._stdout)
Current /master and submodules generated tarball is ~305MB uncompressed.
Kamil do you mind testing this command on NetBSD?
(obviously 'files.txt' goes in tmpdir).