On 14/08/17 07:51, Paolo Bonzini wrote:

> On 13/08/2017 21:13, Programmingkid wrote:
>> Lately I found out that Windows NT 4.0 seems to work well with the
>> 486 and pentium processors. Using "-cpu 486" made installing it
>> actually work. Now I am seeing another issue. When I boot Windows NT
>> 4.0 I see this error message:
>> *** STOP: 0x0000007B (0x807A8610,0x00000000,0x00000000,0x00000000) 
>> Would anyone know a way to solve this issue?
> Hervé is probably the best person to answer this question.  Maybe try
> installing it with SCSI disks ("-drive if=scsi,id=hd,file=... -drive
> if=scsi,id=cd,file=... -device lsi -device scsi-hd,drive=hd -device
> scsi-cd,drive=cd").

FWIW I used to run NT 4.0 in QEMU 0.9.1 without too many problems,
(although every so often the mouse would go crazy and it would require a
reboot). The only thing I needed to do was install updated VGA drivers
from http://www.bearwindows.boot-land.net/vbemp.htm in order to prevent
issues with the mouse pointer not displaying correctly.

I'm also fairly sure that was with a single -hda on the command line, so
it might be useful to go back quite far back in time to figure out what



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