On 07/24/2017 08:09 AM, Benjamin Herrenschmidt wrote:
> On Mon, 2017-07-24 at 14:49 +1000, David Gibson wrote:
>> On Wed, Jul 05, 2017 at 07:13:22PM +0200, Cédric Le Goater wrote:
>>> Each source adds its own ESB mempry region to the overall ESB memory
>>> region of the controller. It will be mapped in the CPU address space
>>> when XIVE is activated.
>>> The default mapping address for the ESB memory region is the same one
>>> used on baremetal.
>>> Signed-off-by: Cédric Le Goater <c...@kaod.org>
>>> ---
>>>  hw/intc/xive-internal.h |  5 +++++
>>>  hw/intc/xive.c          | 44 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++-
>>>  2 files changed, 48 insertions(+), 1 deletion(-)
>>> diff --git a/hw/intc/xive-internal.h b/hw/intc/xive-internal.h
>>> index 8e755aa88a14..c06be823aad0 100644
>>> --- a/hw/intc/xive-internal.h
>>> +++ b/hw/intc/xive-internal.h
>>> @@ -98,6 +98,7 @@ struct XIVE {
>>>      SysBusDevice parent;
>>>      /* Properties */
>>> +    uint32_t     chip_id;
>> So there is a XIVE object per chip.  How does this work on PAPR?  One
>> logical chip/XIVE, or something more complex?
> One global XIVE for PAPR. 


The chip-id is useless for sPAPR (0 is the default) but for a PowerNV
system, the address used to map the ESB memory region depends on the 
chip-id and  I thought we could reuse the same XIVE object. 

So, a sPAPR guest would use the address of a single chip baremetal 
system. This needs more explanation I agree. Thanks to Ben who is 
providing a lot. I will update the changelogs in the next version. 

The TIMA is mapped at a fixed address so the chip-id does not come 
in play.

> For the MMIOs, the way it works is that:
>  - For MMIOs pertaining to a specific interrupt or queue, there's an H-
> call that will return the proper "guest physical" address. For qemu
> with KVM we'll have to probably create a single chunk of qemu address
> space (a single mem region) that contains individual pages mapped with
> MAP_FIXED originating from the different HW bits, we still need to sort
> out how exactly we'll do that in practice.

I haven't looked at all the KVM details. But, regarding the ESBs, I had
the above in mind and used a single memory region to contain them all. 
>  - For the TIMA (the presentation MMIOs), those are always at the same
> physical address for everybody (so for a guest it's a single memory
> region we'll map to that physical address), the HW "knows" which HW
> thread is talking to it (and the hypervisor tells the HW which vcpu is
> running on a given HW thread at a given point in time). That address is
> obtained from the device-tree
>>>      uint32_t     nr_targets;
>>>      /* IRQ number allocator */
>>> @@ -111,6 +112,10 @@ struct XIVE {
>>>      void         *sbe;
>>>      XiveIVE      *ivt;
>>>      XiveEQ       *eqdt;
>>> +
>>> +    /* ESB and TIMA memory location */
>>> +    hwaddr       vc_base;
>>> +    MemoryRegion esb_iomem;
>>>  };
>>>  void xive_reset(void *dev);
>>> diff --git a/hw/intc/xive.c b/hw/intc/xive.c
>>> index 8f8bb8b787bd..a1cb87a07b76 100644
>>> --- a/hw/intc/xive.c
>>> +++ b/hw/intc/xive.c
>>> @@ -312,6 +312,7 @@ static void xive_ics_realize(ICSState *ics, Error 
>>> **errp)
>>>      XiveICSState *xs = ICS_XIVE(ics);
>>>      Object *obj;
>>>      Error *err = NULL;
>>> +    XIVE *x;
>> I don't really like just 'x' for a context variable like this (as
>> opposed to a temporary).

OK. I will change 'x' in 'xive' then.

>>>      obj = object_property_get_link(OBJECT(xs), "xive", &err);
>>>      if (!obj) {
>>> @@ -319,7 +320,7 @@ static void xive_ics_realize(ICSState *ics, Error 
>>> **errp)
>>>                     __func__, error_get_pretty(err));
>>>          return;
>>>      }
>>> -    xs->xive = XIVE(obj);
>>> +    x = xs->xive = XIVE(obj);
>>>      if (!ics->nr_irqs) {
>>>          error_setg(errp, "Number of interrupts needs to be greater 0");
>>> @@ -338,6 +339,11 @@ static void xive_ics_realize(ICSState *ics, Error 
>>> **errp)
>>>                            "xive.esb",
>>>                            (1ull << xs->esb_shift) * ICS_BASE(xs)->nr_irqs);
>>> +    /* Install the ESB memory region in the overall one */
>>> +    memory_region_add_subregion(&x->esb_iomem,
>>> +                                ICS_BASE(xs)->offset * (1 << 
>>> xs->esb_shift),
>>> +                                &xs->esb_iomem);
>>> +
>>>      qemu_register_reset(xive_ics_reset, xs);
>>>  }
>>> @@ -375,6 +381,32 @@ static const TypeInfo xive_ics_info = {
>>>   */
>>>  #define MAX_HW_IRQS_ENTRIES (8 * 1024)
>>> +/* VC BAR contains set translations for the ESBs and the EQs. */
>>> +#define VC_BAR_DEFAULT   0x10000000000ull
>>> +#define VC_BAR_SIZE      0x08000000000ull
>>> +
>>> +#define P9_MMIO_BASE     0x006000000000000ull
>>> +#define P9_CHIP_BASE(id) (P9_MMIO_BASE | (0x40000000000ull * (uint64_t) 
>>> (id)))
>> chip-based MMIO addresses leaking into the PAPR model seems like it
>> might not be what you want

See above for the reason.



>>> +static uint64_t xive_esb_default_read(void *p, hwaddr offset, unsigned 
>>> size)
>>> +{
>>> +    qemu_log_mask(LOG_UNIMP, "%s: 0x%" HWADDR_PRIx " [%u]\n",
>>> +                  __func__, offset, size);
>>> +    return 0;
>>> +}
>>> +
>>> +static void xive_esb_default_write(void *opaque, hwaddr offset, uint64_t 
>>> value,
>>> +                unsigned size)
>>> +{
>>> +    qemu_log_mask(LOG_UNIMP, "%s: 0x%" HWADDR_PRIx " <- 0x%" PRIx64 " 
>>> [%u]\n",
>>> +                  __func__, offset, value, size);
>>> +}
>>> +
>>> +static const MemoryRegionOps xive_esb_default_ops = {
>>> +    .read = xive_esb_default_read,
>>> +    .write = xive_esb_default_write,
>>> +    .endianness = DEVICE_BIG_ENDIAN,
>>> +};
>>>  void xive_reset(void *dev)
>>>  {
>>> @@ -435,10 +467,20 @@ static void xive_realize(DeviceState *dev, Error 
>>> **errp)
>>>      x->eqdt = g_malloc0(x->nr_targets * XIVE_EQ_PRIORITY_COUNT *
>>>                          sizeof(XiveEQ));
>>> +    /* VC BAR. That's the full window but we will only map the
>>> +     * subregions in use. */
>>> +    x->vc_base = (hwaddr)(P9_CHIP_BASE(x->chip_id) | VC_BAR_DEFAULT);
>>> +
>>> +    /* install default memory region handlers to log bogus access */
>>> +    memory_region_init_io(&x->esb_iomem, NULL, &xive_esb_default_ops,
>>> +                          NULL, "xive.esb", VC_BAR_SIZE);
>>> +    sysbus_init_mmio(SYS_BUS_DEVICE(dev), &x->esb_iomem);
>>> +
>>>      qemu_register_reset(xive_reset, dev);
>>>  }
>>>  static Property xive_properties[] = {
>>> +    DEFINE_PROP_UINT32("chip-id", XIVE, chip_id, 0),
>>>      DEFINE_PROP_UINT32("nr-targets", XIVE, nr_targets, 0),
>>>  };

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