
I need  to modify the source code of QEMU to apply a little change. My final 
idea is to prove the utility of a virtual platform as a way of reusing software 
designed for an obsolete hardware. For that I've created a "real timer", 
connected to my board. Now... the problem:

My standalone program writes "0xffffffff" in the position 0x95000000 when the 
timer should start, and "0x00000000" when it have to finish. I want to modify 
the code so every single (standalone) program step reads the virtual 0x95000000 
and changes the value of a gpio. But I can't find how I can read from the 
source code the virtual memory, and I can't find neither where/how does the 
program process (step by step) the standalone program.

I don't know if I have explained well my doubts...

Thankyou in advance!


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