On Wed, Nov 10, 2010 at 10:48:39AM +0100, Gerd Hoffmann wrote:
>   Hi,
> >Now, if only VNC had standardized audio passthrough yet...
> >I guess I'd have to propose...
> The qemu vnc server has support already, and I think Daniel (added to 
> Cc:) has some experimental patches for the gtk-vnc widget.

Yes I do have patches, but I'm yet to get it to work reliably enough for
anyone to use for real. eg any time there are large frambuffer updates
due to, say, dragging a window around, audio will drop out.  Until I can 
prove that it is even semi-reliable I'm not going to include the code in
gtk-vnc, because I don't want to commit to supporting something that may
well be fundamentally broken/unusable for live audio playback.

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