linux plumbers - qemu talks, including xen folks efforts to get patches upstream - considering virtio - considering seabios - even some xenner interest - seabios presentation - uefi - still needs CSM support (lot of work) to be the only BIOS - otherwise need legacy BIOS and UEFI and users choose - who's interested? - host numa support (guest placement and home noding) - static pinning fine for benchmarking - -mempath - migrate_pages(2) can be called from usersapce to push pages around - like to push this framework into the kernel - wiki page for planning coming RSN - ways to improve qemu ... - C++, RFC patches to show value of language object support and device model - like to get to devices modular enough to have unit tests, etc. - any security interest in using a stronger typed language?
kernel summit - showed up in many talks (mainstream part of the kernel) - KVM for ARM hallways discussion - more developers interested in joining the project (need to prepare for this) USB 2.0 ehci support - anyone looking at this? - Jes has it on his todo list (albeit not near the top priority) - should send out a note summarizing status of that tree (Jan will send note) - is USB passthrough fully working with this? - USB 3.0 coming, plan for that (maybe go straight there) openfirmware tree - problem stable/unique names for devices (like UUID generated at dev creation) - addressing device externally from QEMU is still hard - also can't touch the user defined namespace