On 06/13/17 00:27, Laszlo Ersek wrote:

> In fw_cfg_init_io_dma(), you know the object type exactly -- you just
> created it with TYPE_FW_CFG_IO --, so after device realization, you can
> cast the type as narrowly as necessary, and refer to the fields by name.

I understand that in sun4u code like
you couldn't access those fields by name (such as "comb_iomem") immediately.

I can think of two ways out:

- Instead of accessing the field from the outside, for the board
mapping, pass the parent memory region in to the helper. (This is my
previous suggestion, and you didn't like it :) )

- or else, in patch v2 4/4, make the guts of FWCfgState / FWCfgIoState /
FWCfgMemState public too. Then board code can get at
"FWCfgIoState.comb_iomem" directly.


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