On 05/11/2017 08:43 PM, John Snow wrote:
> On 05/11/2017 02:35 PM, Stefan Hajnoczi wrote:
>> Daniel's proposed patch isn't large or invasive.  The QMP interface is
>> consistent with the backup block job's sync=bitmap mode, it's a logical
>> extension.
>> If the concerns about the bitmap lifecycle are addressed and a test case
>> is included then I don't see anything preventing this patch from being
>> merged.
> I agree.
> Daniel, I'm preoccupied with some other tasks at the moment, but I will
> look over your patch again with an eye for how the bitmap data is
> handled on failure cases. Once we agree on a design, we'll need some
> basic tests (a success case, and one for each type of unique failure
> path) and then we're good to go.
> --js
yes, no problem from my side too, except the point raised
by John about deletion of the bitmap during mirror.


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