On 04/19/2017 06:15 AM, Gerd Hoffmann wrote:
>   Hi,
>>> There is -global, which is actually used by libvirt to configure
>>> built-in floppy devices.  But as the name suggests it sets properties
>>> globally, i.e. for all instances.  Which works in this specific use
>>> case, as there can be only one floppy controller per machine, but I
>> Spec-wise, Can't you have two?
> You can have two floppy drives, but they are hooked to the same

Yes, I'm aware.

I'm just saying here "Spec-wise" because you can have two controllers,
one at 0x3F0 and one at 0x370. I realize this isn't particularly
relevant for discussions relating to CLI design, but...

you *can* have two controllers if your heart truly desired it.


> controller.  isa-fdc has two properties (driveA and driveB) for that
> reason, so -global works even for two floppy drives.
> cheers,
>   Gerd

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