On 04/13/2017 04:08 PM, Samuel Thibault wrote:
> Hello,
> Philippe Mathieu-Daudé, on jeu. 13 avril 2017 08:45:23 -0300, wrote:
>>> The NCSI header file <ncsi-pkt.h> comes from mainline Linux
> Please mention within the file which file it comes from exactly.


>>> +    case NCSI_PKT_CMD_SMA:
>>> +        rnh->common.length = htons(4);
>>> +        break;
>>> +    case NCSI_PKT_CMD_GVI:
>>> +        rnh->common.length = htons(36);
>>> +        break;
>>> +    case NCSI_PKT_CMD_GC: {
>>> +        rnh->common.length = htons(32);
> ...
>>> +        break;
>>> +    }
>>> +
>>> +    case NCSI_PKT_CMD_GLS: {
>>> +        rnh->common.length = htons(16);
>>> +        break;
>>> +    }
>>> +
>>> +    slirp_output(slirp->opaque, ncsi_reply, sizeof(ncsi_reply));
> Are we really supposed to send sizeof(ncsi_reply), and not accordingly
> to the size announced withing the packet?

no. it should be: sizeof(header) + payload + 4.  I will that in the next 

> Appart from that,
> Acked-by: Samuel Thibault <samuel.thiba...@ens-lyon.org>



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