> -----Original Message-----
> To sum it up we have to care about the following scenarios:
> a) Xen in-tree build, Xen >= 4.9
> b) Xen in-tree build, Xen < 4.9
> c) build out-of-Xen-tree
> combined with any of:
> 1) no Xen installed on build machine
> 2) Xen >= 4.9 installed
> 3) Xen < 4.9 installed
> 1) + c) is not supported, all other combinations should work.

Good summary.

> I suggest the following modifications of my patch:
> - keep the test program for detection of Xen 4.9
> - scan the extra ldflags for special mentioning of tools/libxc
>   to detect Xen in-tree build < 4.9 (will detect 4.9, too, but
>   this is no problem), set xen_in_tree_old if found
> - if xen_in_tree_old found, don't use pkg-config for Xen version
>   detection and flags
> - otherwise try pkg-config first
> This should cover all cases we need.

That sounds plausible.



> Juergen

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