On 24 March 2017 at 01:28, Richard Henderson <r...@twiddle.net> wrote:
> I also have access to a sparc box.
> (At the moment I'm trying to update it from 2013 era system libraries, and
> to enable the 64-bit userland, before I do any testing of current mainline.)

So far I have found that we seem to be mishandling 32-bit guest
load/stores, which I tentatively suggest

diff --git a/tcg/sparc/tcg-target.inc.c b/tcg/sparc/tcg-target.inc.c
index d1f4c0dead..c72b57dc58 100644
--- a/tcg/sparc/tcg-target.inc.c
+++ b/tcg/sparc/tcg-target.inc.c
@@ -1119,7 +1119,7 @@ static void tcg_out_qemu_ld(TCGContext *s,
TCGReg data, TCGReg addr,
         /* Skip the high-part; we'll perform the extract in the trampoline.  */
-    tcg_out_mov(s, TCG_TYPE_REG, param++, addr);
+    tcg_out_mov(s, TCG_TYPE_REG, param++, addrz);

     /* We use the helpers to extend SB and SW data, leaving the case
        of SL needing explicit extending below.  */
@@ -1199,7 +1199,7 @@ static void tcg_out_qemu_st(TCGContext *s,
TCGReg data, TCGReg addr,
         /* Skip the high-part; we'll perform the extract in the trampoline.  */
-    tcg_out_mov(s, TCG_TYPE_REG, param++, addr);
+    tcg_out_mov(s, TCG_TYPE_REG, param++, addrz);
     if (!SPARC64 && (memop & MO_SIZE) == MO_64) {
         /* Skip the high-part; we'll perform the extract in the trampoline.  */

(otherwise we pass a high-bits-set value to the slowpath functions,
which happens to work if QEMU was built with debug enabled but not
if it doesn't.)

That then at least makes i386 and x86_64 guests behave the same,
ie they don't work. I haven't figured out what's going wrong there yet.

-- PMM

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