On 03/08/2017 12:46 PM, Kevin Wolf wrote:
>>> Oh, I meant to add:
>>> Should probably mention that it was commit da34e65 that introduced the
>>> problem (if I'm right?).  Does that mean we have not been compiling
>>> archipelago.c since Mar 2016?
>> At least here on my machine it does indeed compile before that commit
>> and fails afterwards. So, yes, maybe we actually have not. :-)
> In that case, maybe we should rather remove the driver because very
> obviously nobody is interested in it, not even the maintainer. Keeping
> things around that nobody tests (and consequently, nobody uses) is just
> a useless maintenance burden.

We've released 2.6, 2.7, and 2.8 with no complaints about failure to
compile. Sounds like a good candidate for removal in 2.9.

Eric Blake   eblake redhat com    +1-919-301-3266
Libvirt virtualization library http://libvirt.org

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