Am 03.10.2010 15:20, schrieb Michael S. Tsirkin:
On Sun, Oct 03, 2010 at 01:47:45PM +0200, Stefan Weil wrote:
It might be applied to the stable branches, too.
To me, this doesn't look like a stable branch material: this adds is a
new feature, not a bugfix. Which guests benefit and how does
one use the routing emulation?
The first mail in this thread should answer your question.
It depends on your point of view whether better emulation
adds a new feature or fixes a bug:
When in doubt, excercise caution. But in the end, I think it's your call:
do you want this in 0.13 stable, too?
Yes. The patch is strictly limited to eepro100.c, and even there
its risk is limited to a highly specialized functionality.
On the other side we get a stable version 0.13 with increased
usability for a lot of people who use qemu with eepro100 to
emulate their routers.
Therefore it would be good to have this patch in 0.13 as well.