On 24 January 2017 at 17:28, Michael S. Tsirkin <m...@redhat.com> wrote:
> Maybe we should change the include order to always prefer
> the build tree files if there?

If we can do that it would be nice.

> An alternative is to do what Linux does, create a
> file in tree when doing a build, and then make an
> out of tree one fail and suggest distclean.

We already try to do that -- Makefile looks for
config-host.mak in the source tree and suggests a
rune involving distclean. The check isn't perfect,
though (and nor is the Linux kernel's -- I lost an
hour or so the other week to a problem that turned
out to be stale junk in the kernel source tree that I
fixed with a 'make mrproper').

-- PMM

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