Hello everybody, Some days ago, I read a topic about "QEMU state of ARM NEON support" from address: http://comments.gmane.org/gmane.comp.emulators.qemu/65999 I dowloaded test file anh run it on QEMU for cortex-a8 because the reference test file is written for cortex-a8 and I also listed some instructions that run incorrectly and some instructions not support by QEMU (test for cortex-a8). Now, I must list detail all NEON instructions of cortex-a9 that run incorrectly and not support by qemu, but I don't have reference file, if you have neon instructions list that not support and run incorrectly by QEMU, please send them for me. Actual, I met much difference for this task because I am a new bie. And I also learn about how to implement a neon instruction for qemu, but I don't know what is file on qemu I will change, please help me. If you have an example for it please send it for me. Or if you have a patch file for NEON instruction on qemu please send it for me? Thanks and best regard, Pham Van Thiet