
I just lend a small help, hopefully it helps...

On Sun, Sep 19, 2010 at 17:56, 海峰 陈 <gg...@yahoo.com.cn> wrote:
> Dear  friends,
>          I'm a student and i will do some work about QEMU memory management 
> mechanism. However, i am a
> freshman, i need  friends to give  me some suggestion or send some helpfull 
> documentation to me. Thanks.

I suggest, next time, send plain ASCII email. No HTML format, no
picture embedded as background....etc, please? In this kind of
technical discussion list, they are just wasting spaces. So unless it
is useful to explain something (.eg diagram..), don't embed pictures.

OK, about qemu memory management. Have you ever read the Qemu source
code? If you haven't, please download, extract and start reading it.

The very basic fundamental of Qemu memory management is that it's
actually a file mmap()-ed into the guest address space. The size of
the this simulated RAM is a large as the size you pass at -m parameter
(by default, it's 256 MB if I remember correctly).

The start of the mmap()-ed address, is considered as offset zero in
this virtual RAM. Every access to this virtual RAM is like the same
like actual RAM e.g there is page fault, reserved memory address and
so on. It's just it's not so complicated. IIRC, there is no actual L1
or L2 cache. Probably it's due to the fact that they are simulated as
mmaped file.


Mulyadi Santosa
Freelance Linux trainer and consultant

blog: the-hydra.blogspot.com
training: mulyaditraining.blogspot.com

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