W dniu 11.01.2017 o 17:12, Jean-Christophe DUBOIS pisze:
Le 10/01/2017 à 00:02, Peter Maydell a écrit :
On 9 January 2017 at 22:27, Jean-Christophe DUBOIS <j...@tribudubois.net> wrote:
I might be wrong but I think they are coming out of reset with
their CS line set to low (so they are selected by default)
because this is the default level at reset.
If that's true then you're in difficulties, because
there's no guarantee about device reset order. So
even if your SPI controller calls qemu_set_irq in
its reset function, if the devices on the other
end happen to have their reset called after the
controller then they'll still reset into selected...
I think the simplest solution in this case is to go back what you had before: set each CS line state at the beginning of each new transfer - then at first transfer you will properly set all CS line before transfer begin. After transfer end just negate
active CS line.

How does it work for platforms that would have pull-up resistors on some signals? Is it something we cannot model in QEMU?

On a related note, it seems quite a few SPI controller emulator are actually calling qemu_set_irq() in their reset handler.
I also have the same problem.



-- PMM

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