On 09/10/2010 04:14 PM, Anthony Liguori wrote:
On 09/10/2010 06:14 AM, Avi Kivity wrote:
The point of an image format is not to recreate btrfs in software.
It's to provide a mechanism to allow users to move images around
reasonable but once an image is present on a reasonable filesystem,
we should more or less get the heck out of the way.
You can achieve exactly the same thing with qcow2. Yes, it's more
work, but it's also less disruptive to users.
This is turning dangerously close into a vbus vs. virtio discussion :-)
Let me review the motivation for QED and why we've decided incremental
improvements to qcow2 were not viable.
1) qcow2 has awful performance characteristics
The current qcow2 implementation, yes. The qcow2 format, no.
2) qcow2 has historically had data integrity issues. It's unclear
anyone is willing to say that they're 100% confident that there are
still data integrity issues in the format.
Fast forward a few years, no one will be 100% confident there are no
data integrity issues in qed.
3) The users I care most about are absolutely uncompromising about
data integrity. There is no room for uncertainty or trade offs when
you're building an enterprise product.
100% in agreement here.
4) We have looked at trying to fix qcow2. It appears to be a
monumental amount of work that starts with a rewrite where it's
unclear if we can even keep supporting all of the special features.
IOW, there is likely to be a need for users to experience some type of
image conversion or optimization process.
I don't see why.
5) A correct version of qcow2 has terrible performance.
Not inherently.
You need to do a bunch of fancy tricks to recover that performance.
Every fancy trick needs to be carefully evaluated with respect to
correctness. There's a large surface area for potential data corruptors.
s/large/larger/. The only real difference is the refcount table, which
I agree sucks, but happens to be nice for TRIM support.
We're still collecting performance data, but here's an example of what
we're talking about.
FFSB Random Writes MB/s (Block Size=8KB)
Native Raw QCow2 QED
1 Thread 30.2 24.4 22.7 23.4
8 Threads 145.1 119.9 10.6 112.9
16 Threads 177.1 139.0 10.1 120.9
The performance difference is an order of magnitude. qcow2 bounces
all requests, needs to issue synchronous metadata updates, and only
supports a single outstanding request at a time.
Those are properties of the implementation, not the format. The format
makes it harder to get it right but doesn't give us a free pass not to
do it.
With good performance and high confidence in integrity, it's a no
brainer as far as I'm concerned. We have a format that it easy to
rationalize as correct, performs damn close to raw. On the other
hand, we have a format that no one is confident that is correct that
is even harder to rationalize as correct, and is an order of magnitude
off raw in performance.
It's really a no brainer.
Sure, because you don't care about users. All of the complexity of
changing image formats (and deciding whether to do that or not) is
hidden away.
The impact to users is minimal. Upgrading images to a new format is
not a big deal. This isn't guest visible and we're not talking about
deleting qcow2 and removing support for it.
It's a big deal to them. Users are not experts in qemu image formats.
They will have to learn how to do it, whether they can do it (need to
upgrade all your qemus before you can do it, need to make sure you're
not using qcow2 features, need to be sure you're not planning to use
qcow2 features).
Sure, we'll support qcow2, but will we give it the same attention?
Today, users have to choose between performance and reliability or
features. QED offers an opportunity to be able to tell users to
just always use QED as an image format and forget about
raw/qcow2/everything else.
raw will always be needed for direct volume access and shared
storage. qcow2 will always be needed for old images.
My point is that for the future, the majority of people no longer have
to think about "do I need performance more than I need sparse images?".
That can be satisfied with qcow2 + preallocation.
If they have some special use case, fine, but for most people we
simplify their choices.
You can say, let's just make qcow2 better, but we've been trying
that for years and we have an existence proof that we can do it in a
straight forward fashion with QED.
When you don't use the extra qcow2 features, it has the same
performance characteristics as qed.
If you're willing to leak blocks on a scale that is still unknown.
Who cares, those aren't real storage blocks.
It's not at all clear that making qcow2 have the same characteristics
as qed is an easy problem. qed is specifically designed to avoid
synchronous metadata updates. qcow2 cannot achieve that.
qcow2 and qed are equivalent if you disregard the refcount table (which
we address by preallocation). Exactly the same technique you use for
sync-free metadata updates in qed can be used for qcow2.
You can *potentially* batch metadata updates by preallocating
clusters, but what's the right amount to preallocate
You look at your write rate and adjust it dynamically so you never wait.
and is it really okay to leak blocks at that scale?
Again, those aren't real blocks. And we're talking power loss anyway.
It's certainly better than requiring fsck for correctness.
It's a weak story either way. There's a burden of proof still
required to establish that this would, indeed, address the performance
I don't see why you doubt it so much. Amortization is an well known
technique for reducing the cost of expensive operations.
You need to batch allocation and freeing, but that's fairly
Yes, qcow2 has a long and tortured history and qed is perfect.
Starting from scratch is always easier and more fun. Except for the
The fact that you're basing your argument on "think of the users" is
strange because you're advocating not doing something that is going to
be hugely beneficial for our users.
You misunderstand me. I'm not advocating dropping qed and stopping
qcow2 development. I'm advocating dropping qed and working on qcow2 to
provide the benefits that qed brings.
You're really arguing that we should continue only offering a format
with weak data integrity and even weaker performance.
Those are not properties of the format, only of the implementation.
A new format doesn't introduce much additional complexity. We
provide image conversion tool and we can almost certainly provide an
in-place conversion tool that makes the process very fast.
It introduces a lot of complexity for the users who aren't qed
experts. They need to make a decision. What's the impact of the
change? Are the features that we lose important to us? Do we know
what they are? Is there any risk? Can we make the change online or
do we have to schedule downtime? Do all our hosts support qed?
It's very simple. Use qed, convert all existing images. Image
conversion is a part of virtualization. We have tools to do it. If
they want to stick with qcow2 and are happy with it, fine, no one is
advocating removing it.
This simple formula doesn't work if some of your hosts don't support qed
yet. And it's still complicated for users because they have to
understand all of that. "trust me, use qed" is not going to work.
Image conversion is a part of virtualization, yes. A sucky part, we
should try to avoid it.
We can solve all possible problems and have images that users can move
back to arbitrarily old versions of qemu with all of the same
advantages of the newer versions. It's not realistic.
True, but we can do better that replace the image format.
Improving qcow2 will be very complicated for Kevin who already looks
older beyond his years [1] but very simple for users.
I think we're all better off if we move past sunk costs and focus on
solving other problems. I'd rather we all focus on improving
performance and correctness even further than trying to make qcow2 be
as good as what every other hypervisor had 5 years ago.
qcow2 has been a failure. Let's live up to it and move on. Making
statements at each release that qcow2 has issues but we'll fix it soon
just makes us look like we don't know what we're doing.
Switching file formats is a similar statement.
User confusion is reduced if we can make strong, clear statements:
all users should use QED even if they care about performance.
Today, there's mass confusion because of the poor state of qcow2.
If we improve qcow2 and make the same strong, clear statement we'll
have the same results.
To be honest, the brand is tarnished. Once something gains a
reputation for having poor integrity, it's very hard to overcome that.
Even if you have Kevin spend the next 6 months rewriting qcow2 from
scratch, I'm going to have a hard time convincing customers trust it.
All someone has to do is look at change logs to see that it has a bad
history. That's more than enough to make people very nervous.
People will be nervous of something completely new (though I agree the
simplicity is a very strong point of qed).
IMHO, we're long past exhausting the possibilities with qcow2. We
still haven't decided what we're going to do for 0.13.0.
Sorry, I disagree 100%. How can you say that, when no one has yet
tried, for example, batching allocations and frees? Or properly
threaded it?
We've spent years trying to address problems in qcow2. And Stefan
specifically has spent a good amount of time trying to fix qcow2. I
know you've spent time trying to thread it too. I don't think you
really grasp how difficult of a problem it is to fix qcow2. It's not
just that the code is bad, the format makes something that should be
simple more complicated than it needs to be.
IMO, the real problem is the state machine implementation. Threading it
would make it much simpler. I wish I had the time to go back to do that.
What is specifically so bad about qcow2? The refcount table? It
happens to be necessary for TRIM. Copy-on-write? It's needed for
external snapshots.
qcow2 is not a properly designed image format. It was a weekend
hacking session from Fabrice that he dropped in the code base and
never really finished doing what he originally intended. The
improvements that have been made to it are almost at the heroic
level but we're only hurting our users by not moving on to something
I don't like qcow2 either. But from a performance perspective, it
can be made equivalent to qed with some effort. It is worthwhile to
expend that effort rather than push the burden to users.
The choices we have 1) provide our users a format that has high
performance and good data integrity 2) continue to only offer a format
that has poor performance and bad data integrity and promise that
we'll eventually fix it.
We've been doing (2) for too long now. We need to offer a solution to
users today. It's not fair to our users to not offer them a good
solution just because we don't want to admit to previous mistakes.
If someone can fix qcow2 and make it competitive, by all means, please
We can have them side by side and choose later based on performance.
Though I fear if qed is merged qcow2 will see no further work.
I have a truly marvellous patch that fixes the bug which this
signature is too narrow to contain.