On 11/22/2016 08:03 AM, Kevin Wolf wrote:
> Am 17.11.2016 um 21:13 hat Eric Blake geschrieben:
>> Discard is advisory, so rounding the requests to alignment
>> boundaries is never semantically wrong from the data that
>> the guest sees.  But at least the Dell Equallogic iSCSI SANs
>> has an interesting property that its advertised discard
>> alignment is 15M, yet documents that discarding a sequence
>> of 1M slices will eventually result in the 15M page being
>> marked as discarded, and it is possible to observe which
>> pages have been discarded.

>> Rework the block layer discard algorithm to mirror the write
>> zero algorithm: always peel off any unaligned head or tail
>> and manage that in isolation, then do the bulk of the request
>> on an aligned boundary.  The fallback when the driver returns
>> -ENOTSUP for an unaligned request is to silently ignore that
>> portion of the discard request; but for devices that can pass
>> the partial request all the way down to hardware, this can
>> result in the hardware coalescing requests and discarding
>> aligned pages after all.

> Hm, from the commit message I expected splitting requests in three
> (head, bulk, tail), but actually we can end up splitting it in five?

Correct; so maybe I need to improve the commit message.  The goal in
multiple splits was to make it easier for drivers to not have to worry
about re-aligning things (a request is either sub-sector, sub-page but
sector-aligned, or page-aligned).

> Just to check whether I got this right, let me try an example: Let's
> assume request alignment 512, pdiscard alignment 64k, and we get a
> discard request with offset 510, length 130k. This algorithm makes the
> following calls to the driver:
> 1. pdiscard offset=510, len=2               | new count = 130k - 2
> 2. pdiscard offset=512, len=(64k - 512)     | new count = 66k + 510
> 3. pdiscard offset=64k, len=64k             | new count = 2558
> 4. pdiscard offset=128k, len=2048           | new count = 510
> 5. pdiscard offset=130k, len=510            | new count = 0
> Correct?


> If so, is this really necessary or even helpful? I see that the iscsi
> driver throws away requests 1 and 5 and needs the split because
> otherwise it would disregard the areas covered by 2 and 4, too. But why
> can't or shouldn't the iscsi driver do this rounding itself when it gets
> combined 1+2 and 4+5 requests?

Because then every driver has to implement rounding; I thought that
having centralized rounding code was easier to maintain overall than
having every driver reimplement it.

Eric Blake   eblake redhat com    +1-919-301-3266
Libvirt virtualization library http://libvirt.org

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