Hi Isaku

I believe you were working on the Q35 chipset and PCIe emulation for
the same, and planned to check your code in to the main git. I can use
some of that work for something I am working on.
I have not been too active on the mailing list, and might have missed
your reviews if you have sent already. In that case, please disregard
my email (and let me know privately).

Otherwise, If you can share your plan of sending the review and
checking the code, it would give me some idea of when I can expect the
PCIe changes in the git. I am mostly interested in your PCIe code (and
not Q35) for now.
My apologies if I am sounding pushy, I just want to see if your plan
falls within my requirement schedule and I can use your code.

Awaiting your response.


Two types have compatible type if their types are the same.
    — ANSI C Standard,

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