On Tue, 10/11 11:35, Kevin Wolf wrote:
> > >By the way, why did we allow to add a 'bitmap' option for DriveBackup
> > >without adding it to BlockdevBackup at the same time?
> > 
> > I don't remember. I'm not sure anyone ever audited it to convince
> > themselves it was a useful or safe thing to do. I believe at the
> > time I was pushing for bitmaps in DriveBackup, Fam was still
> > authoring the BlockdevBackup interface.
> Hm, maybe that's why. I checked the commit dates of both (and there
> BlockdevBackup was earlier), but I didn't check the development history.
> Should we add it now or is it a bad idea?

Yes, we should add it. I'll send a separate patch. Thanks for catching that.


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