On Thu, Sep 29, 2016 at 01:36:35PM +0200, Kevin Wolf wrote:
> But the ssh client doesn't seem to support connection to that Unix domain
> socket, even if it would be possible to support in theory. And probably
> none of the SSH libraries that we consider to use support it either (but
> I haven't checked that).

So I checked this.  libssh2 (which is the one we're using) does
not appear to support AF_UNIX for the ssh connection.

We should most likely change over the libssh which is a better
library.  That library does in fact support AF_UNIX connections
through the ssh_socket_unix API, although that's of dubious utility
considering that almost no one runs an sshd listening on a Unix domain


Richard Jones, Virtualization Group, Red Hat http://people.redhat.com/~rjones
Read my programming and virtualization blog: http://rwmj.wordpress.com
virt-p2v converts physical machines to virtual machines.  Boot with a
live CD or over the network (PXE) and turn machines into KVM guests.

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