Hello Qemu developers, I'm interested in developing a device model that plugs into Qemu that is based on a PCIe interface and uses MSI-X. My goal is to ultimately attach a GPU simulator to this PCIe interface and use the entire platfom (Qemu + GPU simulator) for studying cpu, gpu interactions.
I'm not terribly familiar with the Qemu device model and I'm looking for some assistance, perhaps a starting template for pcie and msi-x that would offer the basic functionality that I could then build upon. I have looked at the various devices that already modelled that are included with Qemu (v0.12.5 at least) and I've noticed several a few pci devices, eg; ne2k and cirrus-pci etc, however only one device truly seems to utilize both the technologies that I'm interested in and that is the virtio-pci.c I'm not sure what virtio-pci does so I'm not sure if that is a suitable starting point for me. Any help, suggestions etc would be extremely helpful and much appreciated. Sincerely, AK