On 29 August 2016 at 18:51, Stefan Weil <s...@weilnetz.de> wrote:
> For 2.7, I think we don't need this patch nor any other solution, because
> the problem is less critical than I thought initially: only builds with old
> versions of glib are affected.

OK -- I have updated the ChangeLog to include this:
"For Windows hosts the minimum required glib version is now 2.30. (For
 all other platforms the minimum glib version remains 2.22.) This is
 unfortunately not enforced by configure -- if you see a compilation
 failure regarding the "mkdtemp" function please update your glib version."

We can add the "glib minimum is 2.30 for Windows" code to configure
for 2.8. (We can't raise the minimum version overall because we want
to continue to support the relevant SLES version.)

-- PMM

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