Dear Max,

Max Reitz <> writes:

> On 2016-08-23 at 10:17, Sascha Silbe wrote:
>> Max Reitz <> writes:
>>> Good idea. We can just let the script generate a random port;
>>> $(($RANDOM+32768)) should do the trick.
>> Which will fail just the same as the original version if anything (not
>> just qemu-nbd) is already occupying the port you happened to
>> choose.
> But I think figuring that out from the error log will be rather trivial:
>  > +Failed to bind socket: Address already in use

Once a human starts digging into the logs, yes.

> If you think this test failing is really an issue that we should fix, 
> then I'd rather put the qemu-nbd launch inside of a loop, retrying until 
> it succeeds with some random port.

Seems to be the least ugly approach for now. And yeah, fixing it would
be important IMO. Having automated tests and CI systems fail randomly is
really annoying. People stop running the tests resp. ignore the CI mails
pretty quickly if there are false positives.

Softwareentwicklung Sascha Silbe, Niederhofenstraße 5/1, 71229 Leonberg
USt-IdNr. DE281696641

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