On Tue, Aug 2, 2016 at 2:29 AM, KONRAD Frederic
<fred.kon...@greensocs.com> wrote:
> Le 29/06/2016 à 02:38, Alistair Francis a écrit :
>> On Mon, Jun 13, 2016 at 9:27 AM,  <fred.kon...@greensocs.com> wrote:
>>> From: KONRAD Frederic <fred.kon...@greensocs.com>
>>> This adds the qemu-clock documentation.
>>> Signed-off-by: KONRAD Frederic <fred.kon...@greensocs.com>
>>> ---
>>>   docs/clock.txt | 112
>>> +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
>>>   1 file changed, 112 insertions(+)
>>>   create mode 100644 docs/clock.txt
>>> diff --git a/docs/clock.txt b/docs/clock.txt
>>> new file mode 100644
>>> index 0000000..f4ad4c8
>>> --- /dev/null
>>> +++ b/docs/clock.txt
>>> @@ -0,0 +1,112 @@
>>> +
>>> +What is a QEMU_CLOCK
>>> +====================
>>> +
>>> +A QEMU_CLOCK is a QOM Object developed for the purpose of modeling a
>>> clock tree
>>> +with QEMU.
>>> +
>>> +It only simulates the clock by keeping a copy of the current frequency
>>> and
>>> +doesn't model the signal itself such as pin toggle or duty cycle.
>>> +
>>> +It allows to model the impact of badly configured PLL, clock source
>>> selection
>>> +or disabled clock on the models.
>>> +
>>> +Bounding the clock together to create a tree
>>> +============================================
>>> +
>>> +In order to create a clock tree with QEMU_CLOCK two or more clock must
>>> be bound
>>> +together. Let's say there are two clocks clk_a and clk_b:
>>> +Using qemu_clk_bound(clk_a, clk_b) will bound clk_a and clk_b.
>>> +
>>> +Binding two qemu-clk together is a unidirectional link which means that
>>> changing
>>> +the rate of clk_a will propagate to clk_b and not the opposite. The
>>> bound
>>> +process automatically refresh clk_b rate.
>>> +
>>> +Clock can be bound and unbound during execution for modeling eg: a clock
>>> +selector.
>>> +
>>> +A clock can drive more than one other clock. eg with this code:
>>> +qemu_clk_bound(clk_a, clk_b);
>>> +qemu_clk_bound(clk_a, clk_c);
>>> +
>>> +A clock rate change one clk_a will propagate to clk_b and clk_c.
>>> +
>>> +Implementing a callback on a rate change
>>> +========================================
>>> +
>>> +The function prototype is the following:
>>> +typedef float (*qemu_clk_rate_change_cb)(void *opaque, float rate);
>>> +
>>> +It's main goal is to modify the rate before it's passed to the next
>>> clocks in
>>> +the tree.
>>> +
>>> +eg: for a 4x PLL the function will be:
>>> +float qemu_clk_rate_change_cb(void *opaque, float rate)
>>> +{
>>> +    return 4.0 * rate;
>>> +}
>>> +
>>> +To set the callback for the clock:
>>> +void qemu_clk_set_callback(qemu_clk clk, qemu_clk_on_rate_update_cb cb,
>>> +                           void *opaque);
>>> +can be called.
>>> +
>>> +NOTE: It's not recommended that the clock is driven by more than one
>>> clock as it
>>> +would mean that we don't know which clock trigger the callback.
>> Would this not be something worth knowing?
> I think it shouldn't be the case as connecting two inputs on an output
> doesn't mean anything?

I think I meant worth knowing what you were connected to in general.

> Maybe worth adding something to ensure it can't happen and modify
> qemu_clk_bind_clock to automatically unbind the old clock?

I think that's a good idea.



> Fred
>> Thanks,
>> Alistair
>>> +The rate update process
>>> +=======================
>>> +
>>> +The rate update happen in this way:
>>> +When a model wants to update a clock frequency (eg: based on a register
>>> change
>>> +or something similar) it will call qemu_clk_update_rate(..) on the
>>> clock:
>>> +  * The callback associated to the clock is called with the new rate.
>>> +  * qemu_clk_update_rate(..) is then called on all bound clock with the
>>> +    value returned by the callback.
>>> +
>>> +NOTE: When no callback is attached the clock qemu_clk_update_rate(..) is
>>> called
>>> +with the unmodified rate.
>>> +
>>> +Attaching a QEMU_CLOCK to a DeviceState
>>> +=======================================
>>> +
>>> +Attaching a qemu-clk to a DeviceState is required to be able to get the
>>> clock
>>> +outside the model through qemu_clk_get_pin(..).
>>> +
>>> +It is also required to be able to print the clock and its rate with info
>>> qtree.
>>> +For example:
>>> +
>>> +  type System
>>> +  dev: xlnx.zynqmp_crf, id ""
>>> +    gpio-out "sysbus-irq" 1
>>> +    gpio-out "RST_A9" 4
>>> +    qemu-clk "dbg_trace" 0.0
>>> +    qemu-clk "vpll_to_lpd" 625000000.0
>>> +    qemu-clk "dp_stc_ref" 0.0
>>> +    qemu-clk "dpll_to_lpd" 12500000.0
>>> +    qemu-clk "acpu_clk" 0.0
>>> +    qemu-clk "pcie_ref" 0.0
>>> +    qemu-clk "topsw_main" 0.0
>>> +    qemu-clk "topsw_lsbus" 0.0
>>> +    qemu-clk "dp_audio_ref" 0.0
>>> +    qemu-clk "sata_ref" 0.0
>>> +    qemu-clk "dp_video_ref" 71428568.0
>>> +    qemu-clk "vpll_clk" 2500000000.0
>>> +    qemu-clk "apll_to_lpd" 12500000.0
>>> +    qemu-clk "dpll_clk" 50000000.0
>>> +    qemu-clk "gpu_ref" 0.0
>>> +    qemu-clk "aux_refclk" 0.0
>>> +    qemu-clk "video_clk" 27000000.0
>>> +    qemu-clk "gdma_ref" 0.0
>>> +    qemu-clk "gt_crx_ref_clk" 0.0
>>> +    qemu-clk "dbg_fdp" 0.0
>>> +    qemu-clk "apll_clk" 50000000.0
>>> +    qemu-clk "pss_alt_ref_clk" 0.0
>>> +    qemu-clk "ddr" 0.0
>>> +    qemu-clk "pss_ref_clk" 50000000.0
>>> +    qemu-clk "dpdma_ref" 0.0
>>> +    qemu-clk "dbg_tstmp" 0.0
>>> +    mmio 00000000fd1a0000/000000000000010c
>>> +
>>> +This way a DeviceState can have multiple clock input or output.
>>> +
>>> --
>>> 2.5.5

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