Hi, I just upgraded GNU ARM Eclipse QEMU to 2.6.0 and ran into a problem.
The console reads: ``` GNU ARM Eclipse 64-bits QEMU v2.6.0 (qemu-system-gnuarmeclipse). Board: 'STM32F4-Discovery' (ST Discovery kit for STM32F407/417 lines). Device: 'STM32F407VG' (Cortex-M4 r0p0, MPU), Flash: 1024 kB, RAM: 128 kB. Command line: 'test' (4 bytes). Cortex-M4 r0p0 core initialised. GDB Server listening on: 'tcp::1234'... Cortex-M4 r0p0 core reset. ... connection accepted from Execute 'mon system_reset'. Cortex-M4 r0p0 core reset. qemu-system-gnuarmeclipse: invalid runstate transition: 'prelaunch' -> 'prelaunch' ``` QEMU is started as a GDB server, and when the GDB client connects (from an Eclipse session), it issues a 'system_reset' command. The problem occurs in: ``` void runstate_set(RunState new_state) { assert(new_state < RUN_STATE__MAX); if (!runstate_valid_transitions[current_run_state][new_state]) { error_report("invalid runstate transition: '%s' -> '%s'", RunState_lookup[current_run_state], RunState_lookup[new_state]); abort(); } trace_runstate_set(new_state); current_run_state = new_state; } ``` when called from `main_loop_should_exit(void)`: ``` if (qemu_reset_requested()) { pause_all_vcpus(); qemu_system_reset(VMRESET_REPORT); resume_all_vcpus(); if (!runstate_check(RUN_STATE_RUNNING) && !runstate_check(RUN_STATE_INMIGRATE)) { runstate_set(RUN_STATE_PRELAUNCH); } } ``` I fixed the problem by adding a new transition in the `runstate_transitions_def[]` array: ``` #if defined(CONFIG_GNU_ARM_ECLIPSE) { RUN_STATE_PRELAUNCH, RUN_STATE_PRELAUNCH }, #endif /* defined(CONFIG_GNU_ARM_ECLIPSE) */ ``` I don't know what these transition states are, but the above missing line might affect other users too. For completeness, I'm referring to the source files tagged with v2.6.0. Regards, Liviu