On Sat, Jul 17, 2010 at 10:27 AM, Chen Yufei <cyfde...@gmail.com> wrote: > We are pleased to announce COREMU, which is a "multicore-on-multicore" > full-system emulator built on Qemu. (Simply speaking, we made Qemu parallel.) > > The project web page is located at: > http://ppi.fudan.edu.cn/coremu > > You can also download the source code, images for playing on sourceforge > http://sf.net/p/coremu > > COREMU is composed of > 1. a parallel emulation library > 2. a set of patches to qemu > (We worked on the master branch, commit > 54d7cf136f040713095cbc064f62d753bff6f9d2) > > It currently supports full-system emulation of x64 and ARM MPcore platforms. > > By leveraging the underlying multicore resources, it can emulate up to 255 > cores running commodity operating systems (even on a 4-core machine). > > Enjoy,
Nice work. Do you plan to submit the improvements back to upstream QEMU?