I *think* this introduces a race somewhere, I'm getting errors like:
cat: f.05: No such file or directory
cat: f.14: No such file or directory
cat: f.13: No such file or directory
cat: f.39: No such file or directory
cat: f.05: No such file or directory

when doing:
   for file in {01..50}; do touch f.${file}; done
   seq 1 1000 | xargs -n 1 -P 25 -I{} cat f.* > /dev/null

I don't get it everytime but close enough to. Server is bi-socket and
has some numa effects which help producing data-synchronization races,
it's probably harder to hit on a laptop.

I'm simply trying over a patched qemu for now, applied patches right on
top of 4.6.1, can't seem to reproduce with a vanilla 4.6.1 without any
change to qemu (still patched), so it looks kernel-side.

Can't say I've taken much time to look at the patches yet though,
sorry - I don't think it's too hard to debug though so I'll take a look
tomorrow as soon as I find time if you haven't gotten it by then.


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