On Fri, Jun 10, 2016 at 07:40:13PM +0200, Andrew Jones wrote: > smp_parse computes missing smp options. Unfortunately cores and > threads are computed by dividing smp_cpus, instead of max_cpus. > This is incorrect because the topology doesn't leave room for > hotplug. More unfortunately, we can't change it easily, as doing > so would impact existing command lines. This patch adds a warning > when the topology doesn't add up, and then checks that the topology > at least computes when sockets are recalculated. If not, then it > does fail. > > Adding the new failure is justified by the fact that we don't > store the number of input sockets, and thus all consumers of > cpu topology information recalculate it. If they choose to > (correctly) calculate it based on maxcpus, then we need to > guard them against building topologies which provide more cpu > slots than are the maximum allowed cpus. > > Signed-off-by: Andrew Jones <drjo...@redhat.com>
Hmm.. this makes sense to me. Except that I've never been clear if sockets= was supposed to match initial cpus or maxcpus. > --- > vl.c | 19 +++++++++++++++++++ > 1 file changed, 19 insertions(+) > > diff --git a/vl.c b/vl.c > index 7b96e787922f9..8d482cb1bf020 100644 > --- a/vl.c > +++ b/vl.c > @@ -1227,6 +1227,7 @@ static void smp_parse(QemuOpts *opts) > unsigned sockets = qemu_opt_get_number(opts, "sockets", 0); > unsigned cores = qemu_opt_get_number(opts, "cores", 0); > unsigned threads = qemu_opt_get_number(opts, "threads", 0); > + bool sockets_input = sockets > 0; > > /* compute missing values, prefer sockets over cores over threads */ > if (cpus == 0 || sockets == 0) { > @@ -1269,6 +1270,24 @@ static void smp_parse(QemuOpts *opts) > exit(1); > } > > + if (sockets_input && sockets * cores * threads != max_cpus) { > + unsigned sockets_rounded = DIV_ROUND_UP(max_cpus, cores * > threads); > + > + error_report("warning: cpu topology: " > + "sockets (%u) * cores (%u) * threads (%u) != " > + "maxcpus (%u). Trying sockets=%u.", > + sockets, cores, threads, max_cpus, sockets_rounded); > + sockets = sockets_rounded; > + > + if (sockets * cores * threads > max_cpus) { > + error_report("cpu topology: " > + "sockets (%u) * cores (%u) * threads (%u) > " > + "maxcpus (%u)", > + sockets, cores, threads, max_cpus); > + exit(1); > + } > + } > + > smp_cpus = cpus; > smp_cores = cores; > smp_threads = threads; -- David Gibson | I'll have my music baroque, and my code david AT gibson.dropbear.id.au | minimalist, thank you. NOT _the_ _other_ | _way_ _around_! http://www.ozlabs.org/~dgibson
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