On 2 June 2016 at 21:07, Michael Rolnik <mrol...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Signed-off-by: Michael Rolnik <mrol...@gmail.com>
> ---
>  target-avr/cpu-qom.h        |  38 +++++------------
>  target-avr/cpu.c            | 100 
> +++++++++++++-------------------------------
>  target-avr/cpu.h            |  74 ++++++++------------------------
>  target-avr/gdbstub.c        |  10 +----
>  target-avr/helper.c         |  52 ++++++-----------------
>  target-avr/translate-inst.c |  54 +++++++++++++++---------
>  target-avr/translate-inst.h |  20 +++++++++
>  target-avr/translate.c      |  27 +++---------
>  target-avr/translate.h      |   5 +--
>  9 files changed, 134 insertions(+), 246 deletions(-)

Rather than fixing up code style issues in the preceding
patches, I think you would be better to just fold these changes
into those patches so that the code is right the first time.

PS: it would be good if you could provide a cover letter when
you send out the next round of these patches; that provides
a handy way to deal with the series as a whole (for both
automated tools and people), so we tend to prefer multi-patch
sets to have one.

-- PMM

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