On Tue, Apr 19, 2016 at 02:36:05PM +0100, Richard W.M. Jones wrote:
> I'd prefer some kind of no lock / ignore lock.  There is a legitimate
> case where you want to have the shared lock behaviour, but also a
> legitimate one for turning it off.  I'm not opposed to the idea --
> there are very real cases where your patch saves people from
> themselves.


> Off topic: How does this patch deal with genuinely shared (writable)
> disks, as used in cluster filesystems?

This series does add support for a lock_image=no parameter for disks
which turns off all locking. IIUC, this was intended for use when
the disk image must be shared between guests

IOW, this series is doing the following:

 - read-only, exclusive -> F_RDLOCK
 - writable, shared     -> no locking
 - writable, exclusive  -> F_WRLOCK

This stuff leaves open possibility of mistakes if one VM is
given a disk in write+exclusive, while other VM gets the
same disk in write+shared mode.

In virtlockd we took a different approach to this:

 - read-only, exclusive -> no locking
 - writable, shared     -> F_RDLOCK
 - writable, exclusive  -> F_WRLOCK

because this lets the kernel prevent case where the disk image is presented
in write+shared mode to one VM and write+exlcusive mode to another VM.
Not doing any locking at all in readonly case allowed for the scenario
needed with libguestfs where they create an overlay for disks in use.

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|: http://libvirt.org              -o-             http://virt-manager.org :|
|: http://autobuild.org       -o-         http://search.cpan.org/~danberr/ :|
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