If an application uses libmtp on the guest system,
it will complain with the warning message:
LIBMTP WARNING: VendorExtensionID: ffffffff
LIBMTP WARNING: VendorExtensionDesc: (null)
LIBMTP WARNING: this typically means the device is PTP (i.e. a camera) but
not a MTP device at all. Trying to continue anyway.

This is because libmtp expects a MTP Vendor Extension ID of 0x00000006 and a
MTP Version of 0x0064. These numbers are taken from Microsoft's MTP Vendor
Extension Identification Message page and are what most physical devices

Signed-off-by: Isaac Lozano <109loza...@gmail.com>
 hw/usb/dev-mtp.c | 4 ++--
 1 file changed, 2 insertions(+), 2 deletions(-)

diff --git a/hw/usb/dev-mtp.c b/hw/usb/dev-mtp.c
index bda84a6..1be85ae 100644
--- a/hw/usb/dev-mtp.c
+++ b/hw/usb/dev-mtp.c
@@ -788,8 +788,8 @@ static MTPData *usb_mtp_get_device_info(MTPState *s, 
MTPControl *c)
     usb_mtp_add_u16(d, 100);
-    usb_mtp_add_u32(d, 0xffffffff);
-    usb_mtp_add_u16(d, 0x0101);
+    usb_mtp_add_u32(d, 0x00000006);
+    usb_mtp_add_u16(d, 0x0064);
     usb_mtp_add_wstr(d, L"");
     usb_mtp_add_u16(d, 0x0000);

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