Quoting Mike Rushton (2016-04-05 13:10:17)
> ubuntu@alpine01:~$ sudo  ppc64_cpu --smt=1
> ubuntu@alpine01:~$ ppc64_cpu --info
> Core   0:    0*    1     2     3     4     5     6     7  
> Core   1:    8*    9    10    11    12    13    14    15  
> Core   2:   16*   17    18    19    20    21    22    23  
> Core   3:   24*   25    26    27    28    29    30    31  
> Core   4:   32*   33    34    35    36    37    38    39  
> Core   5:   40*   41    42    43    44    45    46    47  
> Core   6:   48*   49    50    51    52    53    54    55  
> Core   7:   56*   57    58    59    60    61    62    63  
> ubuntu@alpine01:~$ sudo ppc64_cpu --smt
> SMT is off
> Still freezing at the same point.
> Bug description:
>   qemu-system-ppc64 running on Ubuntu 16.04 beta-2 fails to start an
>   image as part of the certification process. This on an IBM ppc64le in
>   PowerVM mode running Ubuntu 16.04 beta-2 deployed by MAAS 1.9.1. There
>   is no error output.
>   ubuntu@alpine01:~/kvm$ qemu-system-ppc64 -m 256 -display none -nographic 
> -net nic -net user,net=,host=,hostfwd=tcp::2222-:22 
> -machine pseries -drive 
> file=xenial-server-cloudimg-ppc64el-disk1.img,if=virtio -drive 
> file=seed.iso,if=virtio
>   WARNING: Image format was not specified for 'seed.iso' and probing guessed 
> raw.
>            Automatically detecting the format is dangerous for raw images, 
> write operations on block 0 will be restricted.
>            Specify the 'raw' format explicitly to remove the restrictions.

Unless things are different with Ubuntu, I don't think KVM is enabled by 
default. Try your command with -enable-kvm to be sure.

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