On 03/03/2016 09:32 AM, Programmingkid wrote:
>> I know you've expressed frustrations that you don't have 'git
>> send-email' configured correctly; have you tried trouble-shooting it on
>> IRC with the #git folks?  Chances are, someone else is in the same boat
>> as you and has figured out the right settings to use.
> Well I spend several hours yesterday doing a lot of things suggested online. 
> I even upgraded my version of git to 2.7.2. This was still not enough. It 
> looks like something else that git depends on is the problem. 
>> In fact, a quick google search shows:
>> http://lmgtfy.com/?q=git+send-email+setup+for+gmail
>> https://coderwall.com/p/dp-gka/setting-up-git-send-email-with-gmail
> I did a lot of google searching yesterday on this problem. I much rather 
> spend my time working to better QEMU than on some git feature I rather not 
> use.

But getting 'git send-email' IS making a better qemu, and is time
well-spent.  Consider - there are well over 100 readers of this list.
Saving 1 minute of reader's time is therefore worth 100 minutes of your
time, if you want your patches to be quickly applied.  We're serious
about our offers to help you get your environment set up correctly so
that you can quit wasting our time with one-off submissions that are
very difficult to work with, so that we can spend more time reviewing
your patches proper rather than your submission habits.

Eric Blake   eblake redhat com    +1-919-301-3266
Libvirt virtualization library http://libvirt.org

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