On 02/29/2016 04:19 PM, Max Reitz wrote:
> Turns out NBD is not so simple to do if you do it right. Anyway, this
> series adds blockdev-add support for NBD clients.
> Patches 1 and 2 add one less and one more complicated QDict function,
> respectively, which I needed in later NBD patches: Patch 1 for handling
> legacy options (move "host" to "address.data.host" etc.) and patch 2
> because I'd like to use the input visitor for transforming the NBD
> options into a SocketAddress. Unfortunately, the block layer uses
> flattened QDicts everywhere, so we'll have to unflatten (erect?) them
> before we can use that visitor.

Dan had a patch proposal that called the operation "crumple"; I need to
review both proposals and see which one I like.

> Patch 3 adds a test for qdict_unflatten().
> Patches 4, 5, 6, and 7 are minor patches with no functional relation to
> this series, other than later patches will touch the code they touch,
> too.
> Patches 8 and 9 prepare the code for the addition of a new option
> prefix, which is "address.".
> Patch 10 makes the NBD client accept a SocketAddress under the "address"
> option (or rather, a flattened SocketAddress QDict with its keys
> prefixed by "address."). The old options "host", "port", and "path" are
> supported as legacy options and translated to the respective
> SocketAddress representation.
> Patch 11 drops usage of "host", "port", and "path" outside of
> nbd_has_filename_options_conflict(),
> nbd_process_legacy_socket_options(), and nbd_refresh_filename(), making
> those options nothing but legacy.
> Patch 12, the goal of this series, is again not very complicated.
> Patches 13, 14, and 15 are required for the iotest added in patch 16. It
> will invoke qemu-nbd, so patch 13 is required. Besides qemu-nbd, it will
> launch an NBD server VM concurrently to the client VM, which is why
> patch 14 is required. And finally, it will test whether we can add an
> NBD BDS by passing it a file descriptor, which patch 15 is needed for
> (so we use the socket_scm_helper to pass sockets to qemu).
> Patch 16 then adds the iotest for NBD's blockdev-add interface.
> Note on the relation to v1: As you can see, most of this series is
> completely new. Patch 5 was patch 1 in v1, and the only thing that has
> changed is that I removed the full stop at the end of the error message;
> consequently I kept Eric's R-b.

Looks like my review queue is getting longer because I (like several
other people) are trying to post last-minute series before soft freeze.

Eric Blake   eblake redhat com    +1-919-301-3266
Libvirt virtualization library http://libvirt.org

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