On 02/10/2016 05:06 PM, Corey Minyard wrote:
> On 02/10/2016 08:05 AM, Cédric Le Goater wrote:
>> Hello Corey,
>> On 02/09/2016 07:25 PM, Corey Minyard wrote:
>>> On 02/09/2016 06:13 AM, Cédric Le Goater wrote:
>>>> The first patches are cleanups and prepare ground for an extension of
>>>> the BMC simulator providing a SDR loader using a file. A simple FRU
>>>> support comes next.
>>>> The last patches introduce APIs to populate a guest device tree with
>>>> the available sensors and to generate events, which is needed by
>>>> platforms in some occasions.
>>> I have reviewed all of these, and they look good.  I only have one
>>> comment: The naming of the properties probably needs to be
>>> fixed.
>>> "sdr" should be "sdrfile" to be consistent with everything else.
>> yes. I agree. I am glad you took a look.
>>> Technically, a "FRU" is a piece of hardware that can be replaced
>>> in the field, "FRU data" is the data describing that FRU, and a "FRU
>>> area" is the memory used to store FRU data.  I know this is mixed
>>> up a lot (and I have done so) but some people are picky about this.
>>> With the renaming of sdr (fru is your option):
>> I will rename the "sdr" property to "sdrfile".
>> As for FRU, you would rather have the code use FruData than Fru ?
>> Something like:
>>     typedef struct IPMIFruData {
>>         char *filename;
>>         unsigned int nentries;
>>         uint16_t size;
>>         uint8_t *area;
>>     } IPMIFruData;
>> The code using the IPMIFruData structure would look like :
>>      uint8_t *fru_area;
>>      ...
>>      fru_area = &ibs->frudata.area[fruid * ibs->frudata.size];
>>      ...
>> Changing all the names is not a problem. Let's get them right.
>> And, so, the properties would become :
>>      DEFINE_PROP_UINT16("frudatasize", IPMIBmcSim, frudata.size, 1024),
> I would name this "fruareasize" to be clear that it is not the size of the 
> "frudatafile".
> Other than that, I'm happy with those names.
> -corey

ok. I will only change the names of the properties and add Documentation
for them in v2



>>      DEFINE_PROP_STRING("frudatafile", IPMIBmcSim, frudata.filename),
>>      DEFINE_PROP_STRING("sdrfile", IPMIBmcSim, sdr_filename),
>>> Acked-by: Corey Minyard <cminy...@mvista.com>
>>> for all patches.
>>> Oh, and I assume you need to add documentation for the
>>> properties to qemu-options.hx.
>> Yes. Forgot that.
>> Thanks,
>> C.
>>> -corey
>>>> Based on e4a096b1cd43 and also available here  :
>>>>     https://github.com/legoater/qemu/commits/ipmi
>>>> Thanks,
>>>> C.
>>>> Cédric Le Goater (8):
>>>>     ipmi: add a realize function to the device class
>>>>     ipmi: use a function to initialize the SDR table
>>>>     ipmi: remove the need of an ending record in the SDR table
>>>>     ipmi: add some local variables in ipmi_sdr_init
>>>>     ipmi: use a file to load SDRs
>>>>     ipmi: provide support for FRUs
>>>>     ipmi: introduce an ipmi_bmc_sdr_find() API
>>>>     ipmi: introduce an ipmi_bmc_gen_event() API
>>>>    hw/ipmi/ipmi_bmc_sim.c | 256 
>>>> +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++------
>>>>    include/hw/ipmi/ipmi.h |   4 +
>>>>    2 files changed, 233 insertions(+), 27 deletions(-)

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