On 02/10/2016 03:50 AM, James Hogan wrote:
I think ret and 0 are the wrong way around here. You're putting 0 in rs
(the destination register), which causes a seg fault.

OUT: [size=56]
0xfff30b0064:  lw       s1,-8(s0)
0xfff30b0068:  bnezalc  zero,s1,0xfff30b0090
0xfff30b006c:  nop
0xfff30b0070:  j        0xfff0000000
0xfff30b0074:  nop
0xfff30b0078:  lui      s1,0xbfc0
0xfff30b007c:  ori      s1,s1,0x580
0xfff30b0080:  sd       s1,256(s0)
0xfff30b0084:  aluipc   zero,0xfeb7
0xfff30b0088:  j        0xfff30b0034
0xfff30b008c:  ori      v0,v0,0x4010
0xfff30b0090:  aluipc   zero,0xfeb7
0xfff30b0094:  j        0xfff30b0034
0xfff30b0098:  ori      v0,v0,0x4013


+        } else {
+            TCGReg in = TCG_REG_ZERO;
+            tcg_target_long tmp = (int16_t)arg;
+            /* The R6 manual recommends construction of immediates in
+               order of low to high (ADDI, AUI, DAHI, DATI) in order
+               to simplify hardware recognizing these sequences.  */
+            if (tmp) {
+                tcg_out_opc_imm(s, OPC_ADDIU, ret, in, tmp);
+                in = ret;
+            }
+            arg = (arg - tmp) >> 16;
+            tmp = (int16_t)arg;
+            /* Note that DAHI and DATI only have one register operand,
+               and are thus we must put a zero low part in place.  Also
+               note that we already eliminated simple 32-bit constants
+               so we know this must happen.  */
+            if (tmp || in != ret) {
+                tcg_out_opc_imm(s, OPC_AUI, ret, in, tmp);
+            }
+            arg = (arg - tmp) >> 16;
+            tmp = (int16_t)arg;
+            if (tmp) {
+                tcg_out_opc_imm(s, OPC_DAHI, ret, 0, tmp);
+            }
+            arg = (arg - tmp) >> 16;
+            tcg_debug_assert(arg == (int16_t)arg);
+            if (arg) {
+                tcg_out_opc_imm(s, OPC_DATI, ret, 0, arg);

Same mistake here for DAHI/DATI.


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