On 01/01/2016 21:42, Programmingkid wrote:
> > In other words, the driver is buggy and presumably would have never
> > worked on real hardware?
> I can't say that for sure. I would need an actual RTL8139 nic with a PowerMac 
> running
> Mac OS 10.4 to answer that question. Is there anyone on the list who knows 
> for sure?

I have a PowerBook and a RTL8139, but unfortunately the NIC is PCMCIA
and the PowerBook doesn't have a port...

If OpenBIOS can be fixed to work around any bugs in the driver that's
already a good thing, but unfortunately the swapped BARs seem really
fishy. :(  Perhaps a property can be added for that, though (e.g.
-global rtl8139.swap-bars-for-os-x-10-4=true).


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