* zhanghailiang (zhang.zhanghaili...@huawei.com) wrote:
> This is the 12th version of COLO.
> As usual, this version of COLO is only support periodic checkpoint,
> just like MicroCheckpointing and Remus does.
> Here is only COLO frame part, you can get the whole codes from github:
> https://github.com/coloft/qemu/commits/colo-v2.3-periodic-mode

  Have you tried wiring in Zhang Chen's new userland colo proxy yet?
I'd like to start trying it out.


> Test procedure:
> 1. Startup qemu
> Primary side:
> #x86_64-softmmu/qemu-system-x86_64 -enable-kvm -boot c -m 2048 -smp 2 -qmp 
> stdio -vnc :7 -name primary -cpu qemu64,+kvmclock -device piix3-usb-uhci 
> -device usb-tablet -netdev tap,id=hn0,vhost=off -device 
> virtio-net-pci,id=net-pci0,netdev=hn0 -drive 
> if=virtio,id=colo-disk0,driver=quorum,read-pattern=fifo,vote-threshold=1,children.0.file.filename=/mnt/sdd/pure_IMG/linux/redhat/rhel_6.5_64_2U_ide,children.0.driver=raw
> Secondary side:
> #x86_64-softmmu/qemu-system-x86_64 -boot c -m 2048 -smp 2 -qmp stdio -vnc :7 
> -name secondary -enable-kvm -cpu qemu64,+kvmclock -device piix3-usb-uhci 
> -device usb-tablet -netdev tap,id=hn0,vhost=off -device 
> virtio-net-pci,id=net-pci0,netdev=hn0 -drive 
> if=none,id=colo-disk0,file.filename=/mnt/sdd/pure_IMG/linux/redhat/rhel_6.5_64_2U_ide,driver=raw,node-name=node0
>  -drive 
> if=virtio,id=active-disk0,throttling.bps-total=70000000,driver=replication,mode=secondary,file.driver=qcow2,file.file.filename=/mnt/ramfs/active_disk.img,file.backing.driver=qcow2,file.backing.file.filename=/mnt/ramfs/hidden_disk.img,file.backing.backing=colo-disk0
>  -incoming tcp:0:8888
> 2. On Secondary VM's QEMU monitor, issue command
> {'execute':'qmp_capabilities'}
> {'execute': 'nbd-server-start', 'arguments': {'addr': {'type': 'inet', 
> 'data': {'host': '', 'port': '8889'} } } }
> {'execute': 'nbd-server-add', 'arguments': {'device': 'colo-disk0', 
> 'writable': true } }
> {'execute': 'trace-event-set-state', 'arguments': {'name': 'colo*', 'enable': 
> true} }
> 3. On Primary VM's QEMU monitor, issue command:
> {'execute':'qmp_capabilities'}
> {'execute': 'human-monitor-command', 'arguments': {'command-line': 'drive_add 
> buddy 
> driver=replication,mode=primary,file.driver=nbd,file.host=,file.port=8889,file.export=colo-disk0,node-name=node0,if=none'}}
> {'execute':'x-blockdev-change', 'arguments':{'parent': 'colo-disk0', 'node': 
> 'node0' } }
> {'execute': 'migrate-set-capabilities', 'arguments': {'capabilities': [ 
> {'capability': 'x-colo', 'state': true } ] } }
> {'execute': 'migrate', 'arguments': {'uri': 'tcp:' } }
> 4. After the above steps, you will see, whenever you make changes to PVM, SVM 
> will be synced.
> You can by issue command '{ "execute": "migrate-set-parameters" , 
> "arguments":{ "x-checkpoint-delay": 2000 } }'
> to change the checkpoint period time.
> 5. Failover test
> You can kill Primary VM and run 'x_colo_lost_heartbeat' in Secondary VM's
> monitor at the same time, then SVM will failover and client will not feel 
> this 
> change.
> Before issuing '{ "execute": "x-colo-lost-heartbeat" }' command, we have to
> issue block related command to stop block replication.
> Primary:
>   Remove the nbd child from the quorum:
>   { 'execute': 'x-blockdev-change', 'arguments': {'parent': 'colo-disk0', 
> 'child': 'children.1'}}
>   Note: there is no qmp command to remove the blockdev now
> Secondary:
>   The primary host is down, so we should do the following thing:
>   { 'execute': 'nbd-server-stop' }
> Please review, thanks.
> 1. Implement packets compare module (proxy) in qemu (Doing)
> 2. Checkpoint based on proxy in qemu
> 3. The capability of continuous FT
> v12:
>  - Fix the bug that default buffer filter broken vhost-net.
>  - Add an flag in struct NetFilterState to help skipping default
>   filter for packets travelling through filter layer.
>  - Remove the default failover treatment which may cause split-brain.
>  - Rename checkpoint-delay to x-checkpoint-delay.
>  - Check if all netdev supports default filter before going into COLO.
>  - Reconstruct send/receive helper functions in patch 10.
>  - Address serveral other comments from Dave 
> v11:
>  - Re-implement buffer/release packets based on filter-buffer according
>    to Jason Wang's suggestion. (patch 34, patch 36 ~ patch 38)
>  - Rebase master to re-use some stuff introduced by post-copy.
>  - Address several comments from Eric and Dave, the fixing record can
>    be found in each patch.
> v10:
>  - Rename 'colo_lost_heartbeat' command to experimental 
> 'x_colo_lost_heartbeat'
>  - Rename migration capability 'colo' to 'x-colo' (Eric's suggestion)
>  - Simplify the process of primary side by dropping colo thread and reusing
>    migration thread. (Dave's suggestion)
>  - Add several netfilter related APIs to support buffer/release packets
>    for COLO (patch 32 ~ patch 36)
> zhanghailiang (38):
>   configure: Add parameter for configure to enable/disable COLO support
>   migration: Introduce capability 'x-colo' to migration
>   COLO: migrate colo related info to secondary node
>   migration: Export migrate_set_state()
>   migration: Add state records for migration incoming
>   migration: Integrate COLO checkpoint process into migration
>   migration: Integrate COLO checkpoint process into loadvm
>   migration: Rename the'file' member of MigrationState
>   COLO/migration: Create a new communication path from destination to
>     source
>   COLO: Implement colo checkpoint protocol
>   COLO: Add a new RunState RUN_STATE_COLO
>   QEMUSizedBuffer: Introduce two help functions for qsb
>   COLO: Save PVM state to secondary side when do checkpoint
>   ram: Split host_from_stream_offset() into two helper functions
>   COLO: Load PVM's dirty pages into SVM's RAM cache temporarily
>   ram/COLO: Record the dirty pages that SVM received
>   COLO: Load VMState into qsb before restore it
>   COLO: Flush PVM's cached RAM into SVM's memory
>   COLO: Add checkpoint-delay parameter for migrate-set-parameters
>   COLO: synchronize PVM's state to SVM periodically
>   COLO failover: Introduce a new command to trigger a failover
>   COLO failover: Introduce state to record failover process
>   COLO: Implement failover work for Primary VM
>   COLO: Implement failover work for Secondary VM
>   qmp event: Add event notification for COLO error
>   COLO failover: Shutdown related socket fd when do failover
>   COLO failover: Don't do failover during loading VM's state
>   COLO: Process shutdown command for VM in COLO state
>   COLO: Update the global runstate after going into colo state
>   savevm: Split load vm state function qemu_loadvm_state
>   COLO: Separate the process of saving/loading ram and device state
>   COLO: Split qemu_savevm_state_begin out of checkpoint process
>   net/filter-buffer: Add default filter-buffer for each netdev
>   filter-buffer: Accept zero interval
>   filter-buffer: Introduce a helper function to enable/disable default
>     filter
>   filter-buffer: Introduce a helper function to release packets
>   colo: Use default buffer-filter to buffer and release packets
>   COLO: Add block replication into colo process
>  configure                     |  11 +
>  docs/qmp-events.txt           |  17 +
>  hmp-commands.hx               |  15 +
>  hmp.c                         |  15 +
>  hmp.h                         |   1 +
>  include/exec/ram_addr.h       |   9 +-
>  include/migration/colo.h      |  38 +++
>  include/migration/failover.h  |  33 ++
>  include/migration/migration.h |  18 +-
>  include/migration/qemu-file.h |   3 +-
>  include/net/filter.h          |  12 +
>  include/net/net.h             |   5 +
>  include/sysemu/sysemu.h       |   9 +
>  migration/Makefile.objs       |   2 +
>  migration/colo-comm.c         |  71 ++++
>  migration/colo-failover.c     |  83 +++++
>  migration/colo.c              | 765 
> ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
>  migration/exec.c              |   4 +-
>  migration/fd.c                |   4 +-
>  migration/migration.c         | 216 ++++++++----
>  migration/postcopy-ram.c      |   6 +-
>  migration/qemu-file-buf.c     |  61 ++++
>  migration/ram.c               | 213 ++++++++++--
>  migration/rdma.c              |   2 +-
>  migration/savevm.c            | 295 ++++++++++++----
>  migration/tcp.c               |   4 +-
>  migration/unix.c              |   4 +-
>  net/filter-buffer.c           | 127 ++++++-
>  net/filter.c                  |   6 +-
>  net/net.c                     |  58 ++++
>  qapi-schema.json              | 106 +++++-
>  qapi/event.json               |  17 +
>  qmp-commands.hx               |  24 +-
>  stubs/Makefile.objs           |   1 +
>  stubs/migration-colo.c        |  45 +++
>  trace-events                  |  10 +
>  vl.c                          |  37 +-
>  37 files changed, 2152 insertions(+), 195 deletions(-)
>  create mode 100644 include/migration/colo.h
>  create mode 100644 include/migration/failover.h
>  create mode 100644 migration/colo-comm.c
>  create mode 100644 migration/colo-failover.c
>  create mode 100644 migration/colo.c
>  create mode 100644 stubs/migration-colo.c
> -- 
Dr. David Alan Gilbert / dgilb...@redhat.com / Manchester, UK

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