Hi guys,

After initial discussion at this year's KVM forum, I post the RFC version of 
device specification now. 

If you have any comments, please let me know, thanks.


1       Crypto Device

The virtio crypto device is a virtual crypto device (ie. hardware crypto 
accelerator card). Encrypt and decrypt requests are placed in the data queue, 
and handled by the real hardware crypto accelerators finally. A second queue is 
the controlling queue, which is used to create/destroy session or some other 
advanced filtering features.

1.1     Device ID

        65535 (experimental)

1.2     Virtqueues


1.3     Feature bits

Maximum size of any single request is in “size_max”. 
Device supports the symmetric cryptography API.
Device supports the Diffie Hellman API.
Device supports the DSA API.
Device supports the RSA API.
Device supports the Elliptic Curve API.
Device supports the Elliptic Curve Diffie Hellman API.
Device supports the Elliptic Curve DSA API.
Device supports the Key Generation API.
Device supports the Large Number API.
Device supports the prime number testing API.
Device supports the DRGB API.
Device supports the NRGB API.
Device supports the random bit/number generation API.

1.4     Device configuration layout

struct virtio_crypto_config {
        le32 size_max; /* Maximum size of any single request */

1.5     Device Initialization

1. The initialization routine should identify the data and control virtqueues.
2. If the VIRTIO_CRYPTO_F_SYM feature bit is negotiated, identify the device 
supports the symmetric cryptography API, which as the same as other features.

1.6     Device Operation

The controlq is used to control session operations, such as create or destroy. 
Meanwhile, some other features or functions can also be handled by controlq. 
The control request is preceded by a header:
struct virtio_crypto_ctx_outhdr {
    /* cipher algorithm type (ie. aes-cbc ) */
    __virtio32 alg;
    /* length of key */
    __virtio32 keylen;
    /* reserved */
    __virtio32 flags;
    /* control type  */
    uint8_t type;
    /* encrypt or decrypt */
    uint8_t op;
    /* mode of hash operation, including authenticated/plain/nested hash */
    uint8_t hash_mode;
    /* authenticate hash/cipher ordering  */
    uint8_t alg_chain_order;
    /* length of authenticated key */
    __virtio32 auth_key_len;
    /* hash algorithm type */
    __virtio32 hash_alg;
The encrypt/decrypt requests and the corresponding results are transmitted by 
placing them in dataq. The request itself is preceded by a header:
struct virtio_crypto_req_outhdr {
    /* algorithm type (ie. aes-128-cbc ) */
    __virtio32 mode;
    /* length of iv */
    __virtio32 ivlen;
    /* length of source data */
    __virtio32 len;
    /* length of auth data */
    __virtio32 auth_len;
    /* the backend session id */
    __virtio64 session_id;
    /* reserved */
    __virtio32 flags;

Both ctx and data requests end by a status byte. The final status byte is 
written by the device: either VIRTIO_CRYPTO_S_OK for success, 
VIRTIO_BLK_S_IOERR for device or driver error or VIRTIO_BLK_S_UNSUPP for a 
request unsupported by device, VIRTIO_CRYPTO_S_BADMSG for verification failed 
when decrypt AEAD algorithms:

#define VIRTIO_CRYPTO_S_OK    0
#define VIRTIO_CRYPTO_S_ERR    1

For symmetric cryptography, three types algorithms are supported:
enum {
VIRTIO_CRYPTO_ABLKCIPHER: Asynchronous Block Cipher.
VIRTIO_CRYPTO_AEAD: Authenticated Encryption With Associated Data (AEAD) Cipher.
VIRTIO_CRYPTO_HASH: Hash and MAC (Message Authentication Code) cipher.

1.6.1   Encryption Operation

Bothe ctrlq and dataq virtqueue are bidirectional.
Step1: Create a session:
1.      The front-end driver fill out the context message, include algorithm 
name, key, keylen etc;
2.      The front-end driver send a context message to the backend device by 
3.      The backend driver create a session using the message transmitted by 
4.      Return a session id to the driver. 
Step 2: Execute the detail encryption operation:
1.      The front-end driver fill out the encrypt requests;
2.      Put the requests into dataq and kick the virtqueue;
3.      The backend driver execute the encryption operation according the 
requests’ arguments;
4.      Return the encryption result to the front-end driver by dataq.
5.      The front-end driver callback handle the result and over

Note: the front-end driver needs to support both synchronous and asynchronous 
encryption. Even then the performance is poor in synchronous operation because 
frequent context switching and virtualization overhead.

1.6.2   Decryption Operation

The decryption process is the same with encryption, except that AEAD algorithm 
needs to be verified before decryption, if the verify result is not correct, 
the device will directly return VIRTIO_CRYPTO_S_BADMSG (bad message) to 
front-end driver.

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