On 11/11/15 15:15, Programmingkid wrote:

> I built Cormac O'Brien's QEMU repo for Mac OS 9 and tried to boot my Mac OS 
> 10.4 boot cd. Mac OS 10.4's kernel panics because of a CUDA problem. I did 
> use the mac99 target. Here is the error message: 
> panic(cpu 0 caller 0x16E786CC): CUDA - TODO CHECK FOR TRANSACTION TYPE AND 
> This is the command I used: ./ppc-softmmu/qemu-system-ppc -boot d -cdrom 
> ~/tiger.iso  -prom-env boot-args=-v -usb -M mac99
> I think there is still something wrong with CUDA. But we might not have to 
> "fix" it. When we use the mac99 target, the PowerMac3,1 Macintosh system is 
> what we are trying to emulate. My sources indicate that the PowerMac3,1 
> doesn't have a CUDA chip. This chip is used for ADB communications. Using it 
> only on the BeigeG3 target makes sense. 
> My sources for the PowerMac3,1 system is this link: 
> http://www.everymac.com/systems/apple/powermac_g4/specs/powermac_g4_350_agp.html
> and this device tree:
> PowerMac G4 device tree
> ff839ab8: /cpus
> ff839ce8:   /PowerPC,G4@0
> ff83a060:     /l2-cache
> ff83ab58: /chosen
> ff83ace8: /memory@0
> ff83af00: /openprom
> ff83b008:   /client-services
> ff83c1a8: /rom@ff800000
> ff83c330:   /boot-rom@fff00000
> ff83c4a8:   /macos
> ff83c528: /options
> ff83c5a8: /aliases
> ff83cec8: /packages
> ff83cf30:   /deblocker
> ff83d798:   /disk-label
> ff83e198:   /obp-tftp
> ff8439f0:   /mac-parts
> ff844850:   /mac-files
> ff847540:   /hfs-plus-files
> ff84c1c8:   /fat-files
> ff84def8:   /iso-9660-files
> ff84eb00:   /bootinfo-loader
> ff8507a0:   /xcoff-loader
> ff8511b8:   /pe-loader
> ff851b90:   /elf-loader
> ff8531c0:   /usb-hid-class
> ff8554d8:   /usb-ms-class
> ff8576a8:   /sbp2-disk
> ff858ac0:   /ata-disk
> ff859cd8:   /atapi-disk
> ff85b348:   /bootpath-search
> ff861b68:   /terminal-emulator
> ff861c00: /psuedo-hid
> ff861c88:   /keyboard
> ff862308:   /mouse
> ff862820: /multiboot
> ff86e7f0: /diagnostics
> ff86e858: /tools-node
> ff8704b8: /rtas
> ff8706b8: /nvram@fff04000
> ff871180: /uni-n@f8000000
> ff8713c8:   /i2c@f8001000
> ff871b10:     /cereal
> ff8721c0: /pci@f0000000
> ff898cd0:   /uni-north-agp@b
> ff898f40:   /ATY,Rage128Ps@10
> ff873268: /pci@f2000000
> ff8742d8:   /pci-bridge@d
> ff876368:     /mac-io@7
> ff8773a0:       /interrupt-controller@40000
> ff877548:       /gpio@50
> ff877630:         /extint-gpio1
> ff8777c8:         /programmer-switch
> ff877900:       /escc-legacy@12000
> ff877af8:         /ch-a@12004
> ff877c78:         /ch-b@12000
> ff877df8:       /escc@13000
> ff878000:         /ch-a@13020
> ff8789a8:         /ch-b@13000
> ff8792c0:       /davbus@14000
> ff879540:         /sound
> ff879c40:       /timer@15000
> ff879da8:       /via-pmu@16000
> ff87ccf0:         /rtc
> ff87d3e0:         /power-mgt
> ff8bf378:           /usb-power-mgt
> ff87d648:       /i2c@18000
> ff87ded8:         /cereal
> ff87e5a0:       /ata-4@1f000
> ff880318:         /disk
> ff8809e8:       /ata-3@20000
> ff882760:         /disk
> ff882da8:       /ata-3@21000
> ff884b20:         /disk
> ff8864c8:     /ethernet@4
> ff888690:     /usb@8
> ff88dd50:     /usb@9
> ff8be3f0:       /hub@1
> ff8be580:         /keyboard@1
> ff893410:     /firewire@a
> ff8752e8: /pci@f4000000
> ff8bb128:   /ethernet@f

I've done quite a bit of work on Cormac's tree (primarily to fix CUDA
issues that broke OS X among other things) and posted it to the
qemu-devel list at

The patchset posted works well for me here, and I suspect will fix the
issues that you've been seeing. Note that you'll also need the separate
OpenBIOS binary mentioned in the link above if you want to try booting
OS 9 since one of the OpenBIOS patches hasn't been applied to trunk
since it regresses other images.



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