On Thu, Oct 29, 2015 at 10:45 AM, Alistair Francis
<alistair.fran...@xilinx.com> wrote:
> On Thu, Oct 29, 2015 at 1:27 AM, Frederic Konrad
> <fred.kon...@greensocs.com> wrote:
>> On 29/10/2015 03:00, Peter Crosthwaite wrote:
>>> On Wed, Oct 28, 2015 at 10:32 AM, Alistair Francis <
>>> alistair.fran...@xilinx.com> wrote:
>>>> Connect the Xilinx SPI device to the ZynqMP model.
>>> "devices"
>>>> Signed-off-by: Alistair Francis <alistair.fran...@xilinx.com>
>>>> ---
>>>> V3:
>>>>  - Expose the SPI Bus as part of the SoC device
>>>> V2:
>>>>  - Don't connect the SPI flash to the SoC
>>>>  hw/arm/xlnx-zynqmp.c         | 37 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
>>>>  include/hw/arm/xlnx-zynqmp.h |  4 ++++
>>>>  2 files changed, 41 insertions(+)
>>>> diff --git a/hw/arm/xlnx-zynqmp.c b/hw/arm/xlnx-zynqmp.c
>>>> index b36ca3d..5671d7a 100644
>>>> --- a/hw/arm/xlnx-zynqmp.c
>>>> +++ b/hw/arm/xlnx-zynqmp.c
>>>> @@ -48,6 +48,14 @@ static const int uart_intr[XLNX_ZYNQMP_NUM_UARTS] = {
>>>>      21, 22,
>>>>  };
>>>> +static const uint64_t spi_addr[XLNX_ZYNQMP_NUM_SPIS] = {
>>>> +    0xFF040000, 0xFF050000,
>>>> +};
>>>> +
>>>> +static const int spi_intr[XLNX_ZYNQMP_NUM_SPIS] = {
>>>> +    19, 20,
>>>> +};
>>>> +
>>>>  typedef struct XlnxZynqMPGICRegion {
>>>>      int region_index;
>>>>      uint32_t address;
>>>> @@ -97,6 +105,12 @@ static void xlnx_zynqmp_init(Object *obj)
>>>>      object_initialize(&s->sata, sizeof(s->sata), TYPE_SYSBUS_AHCI);
>>>>      qdev_set_parent_bus(DEVICE(&s->sata), sysbus_get_default());
>>>> +
>>>> +    for (i = 0; i < XLNX_ZYNQMP_NUM_SPIS; i++) {
>>>> +        object_initialize(&s->spi[i], sizeof(s->spi[i]),
>>>> +                          TYPE_XILINX_SPIPS);
>>>> +        qdev_set_parent_bus(DEVICE(&s->spi[i]), sysbus_get_default());
>>>> +    }
>>>>  }
>>>>  static void xlnx_zynqmp_realize(DeviceState *dev, Error **errp)
>>>> @@ -258,6 +272,29 @@ static void xlnx_zynqmp_realize(DeviceState *dev,
>>>> Error **errp)
>>>>      sysbus_mmio_map(SYS_BUS_DEVICE(&s->sata), 0, SATA_ADDR);
>>>>      sysbus_connect_irq(SYS_BUS_DEVICE(&s->sata), 0, gic_spi[SATA_INTR]);
>>>> +
>>>> +    for (i = 0; i < XLNX_ZYNQMP_NUM_SPIS; i++) {
>>>> +        BusState *spi_bus;
>>>> +        char bus_name[6];
>>>> +
>>>> +        object_property_set_int(OBJECT(&s->spi[i]), XLNX_ZYNQMP_NUM_SPIS,
>>>> +                                "num-busses", &error_abort);
>>> The number of busses-per-controller is unrelated to the number of
>>> controllers. Setting num_busses != 1 is primarily a QSPI thing, so should
>>> this just default to 1? I think you can drop this setter completely.
> True, but see below for a problem.
>>>> +        object_property_set_bool(OBJECT(&s->spi[i]), true, "realized",
>>>> &err);
>>>> +        if (err) {
>>>> +            error_propagate(errp, err);
>>>> +            return;
>>>> +        }
>>>> +
>>>> +        sysbus_mmio_map(SYS_BUS_DEVICE(&s->spi[i]), 0, spi_addr[i]);
>>>> +        sysbus_connect_irq(SYS_BUS_DEVICE(&s->spi[i]), 0,
>>>> +                           gic_spi[spi_intr[i]]);
>>>> +
>>>> +        snprintf(bus_name, 6, "spi%d", i);
>>>> +        spi_bus = qdev_get_child_bus(DEVICE(&s->spi), bus_name);
>>>> +
>>>> +        /* Add the SPI buses to the SoC child bus */
>>>> +        QLIST_INSERT_HEAD(&dev->child_bus, spi_bus, sibling);
>>> Nice! That is pretty simple in the end. One, question though, what happen
>>> with info qtree? Do you get doubles because the bus is double parented?
> I don't see the double parent problem, but I do see another problem.
> I was doing it a little wrong with the multiple buses.
> When I assign the SPI bus to the SoC, the more recent one replaces the
> previous one. I didn't notice it before because I had two buses (which
> meant they had different names) so it ended up working.
> Now with only one bus per I2C they both have the same name and conflict.
> I can't change the name of the bus either, so this is a bit of a problem.
> I can't see a way around this, while still assigning the buses to the
> SoC. I guess the best option would be to not just take the first match
> when calling qdev_get_child_bus(). Which would mean implementing that
> function manually. How does that sound?
Ok, it isn't actually too bad. This is the diff I have (it's still a
little hacky):

diff --git a/hw/arm/xlnx-ep108.c b/hw/arm/xlnx-ep108.c
index 9ac6e6f..d59cec0 100644
--- a/hw/arm/xlnx-ep108.c
+++ b/hw/arm/xlnx-ep108.c
@@ -63,18 +63,17 @@ static void xlnx_ep108_init(MachineState *machine)

     for (i = 0; i < XLNX_ZYNQMP_NUM_SPIS; i++) {
         SSIBus *spi_bus;
-        char bus_name[6];

-        snprintf(bus_name, 6, "spi%d", i);
-        spi_bus = (SSIBus *)qdev_get_child_bus(DEVICE(&s->soc), bus_name);
+        fprintf(stderr, "SPI device %d, bus 0\n", i);
+        spi_bus = (SSIBus *)qdev_get_num_child_bus(DEVICE(&s->soc), "spi0", i);

         for (j = 0; j < XLNX_ZYNQMP_NUM_SPI_FLASHES; ++j) {
             DeviceState *flash_dev = ssi_create_slave(spi_bus, "sst25wf080");
             qemu_irq cs_line = qdev_get_gpio_in_named(flash_dev,
                                                       SSI_GPIO_CS, 0);

-            sysbus_connect_irq(SYS_BUS_DEVICE(&s->soc.spi[i]),
-                               i * XLNX_ZYNQMP_NUM_SPI_FLASHES + j,
+            sysbus_connect_irq(SYS_BUS_DEVICE(&s->soc.spi[i]), j,
diff --git a/hw/arm/xlnx-zynqmp.c b/hw/arm/xlnx-zynqmp.c
index d2daf80..bc497fa 100644
--- a/hw/arm/xlnx-zynqmp.c
+++ b/hw/arm/xlnx-zynqmp.c
@@ -275,7 +275,6 @@ static void xlnx_zynqmp_realize(DeviceState *dev,
Error **errp)

     for (i = 0; i < XLNX_ZYNQMP_NUM_SPIS; i++) {
         BusState *spi_bus;
-        char bus_name[6];

         object_property_set_bool(OBJECT(&s->spi[i]), true, "realized", &err);
         if (err) {
@@ -287,8 +286,7 @@ static void xlnx_zynqmp_realize(DeviceState *dev,
Error **errp)
         sysbus_connect_irq(SYS_BUS_DEVICE(&s->spi[i]), 0,

-        snprintf(bus_name, 6, "spi%d", i);
-        spi_bus = qdev_get_child_bus(DEVICE(&s->spi), bus_name);
+        spi_bus = qdev_get_child_bus(DEVICE(&s->spi[i]), "spi0");

         /* Add the SPI buses to the SoC child bus */
         QLIST_INSERT_HEAD(&dev->child_bus, spi_bus, sibling);
diff --git a/hw/core/qdev.c b/hw/core/qdev.c
index 4ab04aa..a831985 100644
--- a/hw/core/qdev.c
+++ b/hw/core/qdev.c
@@ -573,18 +573,27 @@ void qdev_pass_gpios(DeviceState *dev,
DeviceState *container,
     QLIST_INSERT_HEAD(&container->gpios, ngl, node);

-BusState *qdev_get_child_bus(DeviceState *dev, const char *name)
+BusState *qdev_get_num_child_bus(DeviceState *dev, const char *name, int num)
     BusState *bus;

     QLIST_FOREACH(bus, &dev->child_bus, sibling) {
         if (strcmp(name, bus->name) == 0) {
-            return bus;
+            if (!num) {
+                return bus;
+            } else {
+                num--;
+            }
     return NULL;

+BusState *qdev_get_child_bus(DeviceState *dev, const char *name)
+    return qdev_get_num_child_bus(dev, name, 0);
 int qbus_walk_children(BusState *bus,
                        qdev_walkerfn *pre_devfn, qbus_walkerfn *pre_busfn,
                        qdev_walkerfn *post_devfn, qbus_walkerfn *post_busfn,
diff --git a/include/hw/qdev-core.h b/include/hw/qdev-core.h
index 8057aed..2650e6f 100644
--- a/include/hw/qdev-core.h
+++ b/include/hw/qdev-core.h
@@ -295,6 +295,7 @@ qemu_irq qdev_get_gpio_out_connector(DeviceState
*dev, const char *name, int n);
 qemu_irq qdev_intercept_gpio_out(DeviceState *dev, qemu_irq icpt,
                                  const char *name, int n);

+BusState *qdev_get_num_child_bus(DeviceState *dev, const char *name, int num);
 BusState *qdev_get_child_bus(DeviceState *dev, const char *name);

 /*** Device API.  ***/


That results in this qtee for the spi devices. I'm not sure why one
bus is there twice, but hopefully it is an easy fix.

bus: main-system-bus
  type System
  dev: xlnx.ps7-spi, id ""
    gpio-out "sysbus-irq" 5
    num-busses = 1 (0x1)
    num-ss-bits = 4 (0x4)
    num-txrx-bytes = 1 (0x1)
    mmio 00000000ff050000/0000000000000100
    bus: spi0
      type SSI
      dev: sst25wf080, id ""
        gpio-in "ssi-gpio-cs" 1
      dev: sst25wf080, id ""
        gpio-in "ssi-gpio-cs" 1
      dev: sst25wf080, id ""
        gpio-in "ssi-gpio-cs" 1
      dev: sst25wf080, id ""
        gpio-in "ssi-gpio-cs" 1
    bus: spi0
      type SSI
      dev: sst25wf080, id ""
        gpio-in "ssi-gpio-cs" 1
      dev: sst25wf080, id ""
        gpio-in "ssi-gpio-cs" 1
      dev: sst25wf080, id ""
        gpio-in "ssi-gpio-cs" 1
      dev: sst25wf080, id ""
        gpio-in "ssi-gpio-cs" 1
  dev: xlnx.ps7-spi, id ""
    gpio-out "sysbus-irq" 5
    num-busses = 1 (0x1)
    num-ss-bits = 4 (0x4)
    num-txrx-bytes = 1 (0x1)
    mmio 00000000ff040000/0000000000000100
    bus: spi0
      type SSI
      dev: sst25wf080, id ""
        gpio-in "ssi-gpio-cs" 1
      dev: sst25wf080, id ""
        gpio-in "ssi-gpio-cs" 1
      dev: sst25wf080, id ""
        gpio-in "ssi-gpio-cs" 1
      dev: sst25wf080, id ""
        gpio-in "ssi-gpio-cs" 1



> Thanks,
> Alistair
>>> I think this concept also might apply to the DP/DPDMA work, where the
>>> display port (or AUX bus?) should be put on the SoC container. Then the
>>> machine model (ep108) is responsible for detecting if the user wants a
>>> display and connecting it. I.e. the DP controller shouldn't be doing the UI
>>> init.
>> You mean get the AUX and I2C bus here and connect the edid and the dpcd?
>> I can take a look.
>> Fred
>>>> +    }
>>>>  }
>>>>  static Property xlnx_zynqmp_props[] = {
>>>> diff --git a/include/hw/arm/xlnx-zynqmp.h b/include/hw/arm/xlnx-zynqmp.h
>>>> index 4005a99..6d1d2a9 100644
>>>> --- a/include/hw/arm/xlnx-zynqmp.h
>>>> +++ b/include/hw/arm/xlnx-zynqmp.h
>>>> @@ -24,6 +24,7 @@
>>>>  #include "hw/char/cadence_uart.h"
>>>>  #include "hw/ide/pci.h"
>>>>  #include "hw/ide/ahci.h"
>>>> +#include "hw/ssi/xilinx_spips.h"
>>>>  #define TYPE_XLNX_ZYNQMP "xlnx,zynqmp"
>>>>  #define XLNX_ZYNQMP(obj) OBJECT_CHECK(XlnxZynqMPState, (obj), \
>>>> @@ -33,6 +34,8 @@
>>>>  #define XLNX_ZYNQMP_NUM_RPU_CPUS 2
>>>>  #define XLNX_ZYNQMP_NUM_GEMS 4
>>>>  #define XLNX_ZYNQMP_NUM_UARTS 2
>>>> +#define XLNX_ZYNQMP_NUM_SPIS 2
>>> NUM_SPI_FLASHES is local to ep108 so it should just be in ep108.c
>>> Regards,
>>> Peter
>>>>  #define XLNX_ZYNQMP_OCM_RAM_0_ADDRESS 0xFFFC0000
>>>> @@ -63,6 +66,7 @@ typedef struct XlnxZynqMPState {
>>>>      CadenceGEMState gem[XLNX_ZYNQMP_NUM_GEMS];
>>>>      CadenceUARTState uart[XLNX_ZYNQMP_NUM_UARTS];
>>>>      SysbusAHCIState sata;
>>>> +    XilinxSPIPS spi[XLNX_ZYNQMP_NUM_SPIS];
>>>>      char *boot_cpu;
>>>>      ARMCPU *boot_cpu_ptr;
>>>> --
>>>> 2.5.0

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