This converts vga code to curses code in console_write_bh().

With this changes, we can see line graphics (for example, dialog uses)

Signed-off-by: OGAWA Hirofumi <>

 include/ui/console.h |   12 +++++++++++-
 ui/curses.c          |   44 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 2 files changed, 55 insertions(+), 1 deletion(-)

diff -puN include/ui/console.h~support-curses-border include/ui/console.h
--- qemu/include/ui/console.h~support-curses-border     2015-10-19 
21:16:50.439929458 +0900
+++ qemu-hirofumi/include/ui/console.h  2015-10-19 21:17:57.939760088 +0900
@@ -284,13 +284,23 @@ static inline pixman_format_code_t surfa
 #include <curses.h>
 typedef chtype console_ch_t;
+extern chtype vga_to_curses[];
 typedef unsigned long console_ch_t;
 static inline void console_write_ch(console_ch_t *dest, uint32_t ch)
-    if (!(ch & 0xff))
+    uint8_t c = ch;
+    if (vga_to_curses[c]) {
+        ch &= ~(console_ch_t)0xff;
+        ch |= vga_to_curses[c];
+    }
+    if (c == '\0') {
         ch |= ' ';
+    }
     *dest = ch;
diff -puN ui/curses.c~support-curses-border ui/curses.c
--- qemu/ui/curses.c~support-curses-border      2015-10-19 21:16:50.439929458 
+++ qemu-hirofumi/ui/curses.c   2015-10-19 21:17:09.587881354 +0900
@@ -42,6 +42,8 @@ static WINDOW *screenpad = NULL;
 static int width, height, gwidth, gheight, invalidate;
 static int px, py, sminx, sminy, smaxx, smaxy;
+chtype vga_to_curses[256];
 static void curses_update(DisplayChangeListener *dcl,
                           int x, int y, int w, int h)
@@ -348,6 +350,48 @@ static void curses_setup(void)
     for (i = 64; i < COLOR_PAIRS; i++) {
         init_pair(i, COLOR_WHITE, COLOR_BLACK);
+    /*
+     * Setup mapping for vga to curses line graphics.
+     * FIXME: for better font, have to use ncursesw and setlocale()
+     */
+#if 0
+    /* FIXME: map from where? */
+    ACS_S1;
+    ACS_S3;
+    ACS_S7;
+    ACS_S9;
+    /* ACS_* is not constant. So, we can't initialize statically. */
+    vga_to_curses['\0'] = ' ';
+    vga_to_curses[0x04] = ACS_DIAMOND;
+    vga_to_curses[0x0a] = ACS_RARROW;
+    vga_to_curses[0x0b] = ACS_LARROW;
+    vga_to_curses[0x18] = ACS_UARROW;
+    vga_to_curses[0x19] = ACS_DARROW;
+    vga_to_curses[0x9c] = ACS_STERLING;
+    vga_to_curses[0xb0] = ACS_BOARD;
+    vga_to_curses[0xb1] = ACS_CKBOARD;
+    vga_to_curses[0xb3] = ACS_VLINE;
+    vga_to_curses[0xb4] = ACS_RTEE;
+    vga_to_curses[0xbf] = ACS_URCORNER;
+    vga_to_curses[0xc0] = ACS_LLCORNER;
+    vga_to_curses[0xc1] = ACS_BTEE;
+    vga_to_curses[0xc2] = ACS_TTEE;
+    vga_to_curses[0xc3] = ACS_LTEE;
+    vga_to_curses[0xc4] = ACS_HLINE;
+    vga_to_curses[0xc5] = ACS_PLUS;
+    vga_to_curses[0xce] = ACS_LANTERN;
+    vga_to_curses[0xd8] = ACS_NEQUAL;
+    vga_to_curses[0xd9] = ACS_LRCORNER;
+    vga_to_curses[0xda] = ACS_ULCORNER;
+    vga_to_curses[0xdb] = ACS_BLOCK;
+    vga_to_curses[0xe3] = ACS_PI;
+    vga_to_curses[0xf1] = ACS_PLMINUS;
+    vga_to_curses[0xf2] = ACS_GEQUAL;
+    vga_to_curses[0xf3] = ACS_LEQUAL;
+    vga_to_curses[0xf8] = ACS_DEGREE;
+    vga_to_curses[0xfe] = ACS_BULLET;
 static void curses_keyboard_setup(void)

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