Add support of MIPS GIC.
The patchset implements the Global Interrupt Controller.

With the patchset Linux Kernel detects GIC and utilises it. 
# cat /proc/interrupts
  0:          2    XT-PIC   0  timer
  2:          0    XT-PIC   2  cascade
  4:        462    XT-PIC   4  serial
  8:          0    XT-PIC   8  rtc0
 11:          0    XT-PIC  11  uhci_hcd:usb1
 14:       1026    XT-PIC  14  ide0
 15:          0    XT-PIC  15  ide1
 21:          0      MIPS   5  CoreHi
 23:         44      MIPS   7  timer
 25:      12290  MIPS GIC Local   1  timer
 34:       1490  MIPS GIC  10  XT-PIC cascade
 98:       1490  MIPS GIC  74
ERR:          0

Level triggering only
No User-Mode Visible Section
GIC CounterHi not implemented (Countbits = 32bits)
DINT not implemented
Local WatchDog, Fast Debug Channel, Perf Counter not implemented

It is based on the earlier un-merged GIC implementation.

For more information,

Yongbok Kim (4):
  target-mips: add CMGCRBase register
  mips: add Global Config Register block (part)
  mips: add Global Interrupt Controller
  mips: add gic support to malta

 hw/mips/Makefile.objs        |    2 +-
 hw/mips/mips_gcr.c           |  120 ++++++++
 hw/mips/mips_gcr.h           |   57 ++++
 hw/mips/mips_gic.c           |  653 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 hw/mips/mips_gic.h           |  298 +++++++++++++++++++
 hw/mips/mips_malta.c         |   71 +++++-
 target-mips/cpu.h            |    4 +-
 target-mips/translate.c      |   17 ++
 target-mips/translate_init.c |    3 +-
 9 files changed, 1220 insertions(+), 5 deletions(-)
 create mode 100644 hw/mips/mips_gcr.c
 create mode 100644 hw/mips/mips_gcr.h
 create mode 100644 hw/mips/mips_gic.c
 create mode 100644 hw/mips/mips_gic.h

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