On 10/01/2015 10:31 PM, Eric Blake wrote:
> The error message when a simple union or alternate contains a
> branch named 'kind' is ugly, because it is tied to the Schema
> member named 'type'.  A future patch will fix the generated C
> to match QMP, but until that point, we can hack things with
> a temporary subclass to make the error message reflect the
> actually collision.

I found a cleaner way to do this, and will be dropping this patch,
except for the testsuite improvements which I will be merging into 9/12.

> Rename alternate-clash to alternate-clash-members, and add a
> new test alternate-clash-type.  While similar to the earlier
> addition of union-clash-type, we have one major difference: a
> future patch will be simplifying alternates to not need an
> implict AlternateKind enum, but we still need to detect the
> collision with the resulting C 'qtype_code type;' tag.

Eric Blake   eblake redhat com    +1-919-301-3266
Libvirt virtualization library http://libvirt.org

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