On 10/02/2015 08:37 AM, Programmingkid wrote:
>> Even if it were a fancier GUI, I don't think it would really go very far to
>> providing users a solution which is on a par with VirtualBox or VMWare 
>> Desktop
>> which are the benchmarks, as the GUI will forever be limited to only dealing
>> with a single VM at a time. As soon as you want to deal with more than 1 VM
>> at a time, a GUI built-in to QEMU is a non-starter as you need to manage many
>> QEMUs. So encouraging new users to use a built-in QEMU GUI is sending them
>> down a dead-end - we should be ensuring they can find the viable long term
>> UI straight away. This means directing them to things like GNOME Boxes or
>> virt-manager or one of the other UIs that exist.
> Sorry to say but this belief you have it exactly what is keeping
> the GUI in QEMU from being great. Can only deal with one VM at a time?

A good gui will have a single process dealing with multiple guests at a
single time.

When you are reading email, do you want to fire up two separate email
processes per mail?  Or do you want to fire up a single email reader,
that can then browse multiple mails, and maybe even open multiple
windows to compare mails side by side?

When you open your browser, do you want to have two browser processes
for separate URLs open at the same time?  Or do you want a single
browser with multiple tabs?

We already KNOW that qemu only manages one guest at a time.  But I argue
that any GOOD gui for managing guests can manage multiple guests in a
single gui process. So qemu is NOT the place to be working on a GOOD
gui.  It only needs enough of a gui to make development easier, NOT to
make end user life easier.

We WANT to point end users to a better application, _built on top of
qemu_.  Whether that be GNOME boxes, virt-manager, or some new tool, I
don't care.  But we do NOT want qemu to become that tool.

Instead of wasting our time beating a dead horse, you'd get further if
you started porting one of the existing VM guis that can already manage
qemu to run well on OS X.

> The GUI in QEMU can become great. We just have to let it do so. 

No.  Please don't.  I do not want the qemu gui to be a selling point of

Eric Blake   eblake redhat com    +1-919-301-3266
Libvirt virtualization library http://libvirt.org

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