Paolo Bonzini <> writes:

> On 23/09/2015 18:37, Eric Blake wrote:
>>>> Is this still type-unsafe like the old netdev_add (e.g. accepts
>>>> a string for an integer)?
>> I did not address that yet; it still needs further patches to
>> accept an integer as a port number. I can investigate what
>> additional patches are needed along those lines, while still
>> preserving back-compat to previously-accepted QMP command lines (it
>> may require the use of an 'alternate' type that accepts both int
>> and string).  The main goal here was that the command line is
>> unchanged, and that now the QMP command is introspectable, even if
>> what introspection shows is ugly types.
> This in fact is a laudable goal.  However, while changing the command to
> { 'command': 'netdev_add', 'data': 'Netdev', 'box': true, 'gen': false }
> for better introspection, you should keep 'gen':'false' and the manual
> implementation based on qemu_opts_from_qdict, otherwise you break
> backwards-compatibility.

Non sequitur :)

We need to stay sufficiently backwards compatible somehow.  'gen' false
is one possible solution.  Liberal use of alternate types could be
another.  A special input visitor mode could be a third.

Since my review cursor is >30 patches behind this one, I don't have an
opinion, yet.

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